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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter Residence)

Harry was in the garden planting yet another lily. Since his talk with Jasper he had been receiving different types and colors of lilies. They were now all planted in his garden. This lily was a purple Stargazer Lily. Harry felt guilty for not giving anything to Jasper.

[Mmmm. I know what to give him.] Harry thought while smiling. [This will be a thank you for all the flowers he has given me.]

Harry wandlessly summoned his sketchbook, pencil, and colored pencils. He started to draw out the picture that was in his head. After he finished drawing he started to color and smiled when it came out right. He carefully ripped the paper out of his sketchbook and summoned a box. He placed his drawing in there and picked a midnight blue poppy from his garden. He cast a preservation charm on it and put the flower on top of the drawing. He then summoned a piece of wood and transfigured it into a small bear. The eyes of the bear were amber and the light wood turned into very light brown almost blonde fur. He set that next to the flower and closed the lid. He wrapped the box up and then wrote a thank you note for all the flowers and placed it on the lid before he tied a ribbon on it. He walked upstairs to get ready for school.

Today he braided his hair and tied it with a dark red ribbon. He put on a blood red button up shirt and black jeans. He wore blood red converse shoes and a black jean jacket. He carefully placed his present to Jasper into his backpack and went downstairs to make breakfast. Remus came down only to find Harry dancing and singing while cooking breakfast.

Remus was happy to see his cub happy. He hated himself for not saving Harry sooner and was angry at those who hurt him. He snickered at what he was seeing, gaining Harry's attention. Harry squeaked and blushed in embarrassment.

"Great show cub." Harry's blush deepened.

"H-hi Remy." He managed to stutter.

Harry went back to cooking before the food burned. He set the table and called everyone down. He sat down to eat. He was really hungry. He placed two eggs on his plate, five pieces of bacon, a strawberry pancake, and a glass of orange juice. By the time he was finished filling his plate his family was sitting down. They were happy to see he was starting to eat more. When he had finished, he put his plate into the sink, grabbed his bag and headed to school after checking the glamor on his ears.

(At school)

Harry had started coming early so that he didn't get stared at. He was happy to see that the Cullens were already there. Harry parked his motorcycle, took off his helmet, and took out the gift from the bag. He slowly made his way over to Jasper, who smiled when he noticed Harry. As soon as Harry reached Jasper he handed him his gift. He had all the Cullens's attention. Jasper grabbed the gift and much to the surprise of everyone and Harry himself, Harry kissed Jasper on the cheek and ran off to his first class.

Jasper just stood there with his hand over the place where Harry's warm lips had been. He broke out of his trance though when his family started to laugh. He remembered the gift and looked down at it. He saw a letter sticking out from under the ribbon. He opened the letter and read it.

Dear Jasper,

Thank you for the flowers, they are lovely. They are now in my garden. I hope you like your gift. It is a thank you gift for the flowers.



Jasper unwrapped his present and opened the lid. Inside was a small bear, a dark blue poppy, and a picture. The picture was of a light brown almost blonde bear in a field of dark blue poppies. He loved it. He put the lid back on and placed the box with his gifts in his backpack.

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