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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





(After school)

Harry had avoided Jasper all day. He figured that his mate was disgusted with him. He was waiting for the Cullens to leave so that he could. He had seen the silver volvo race away and made his way to his motorcycle. He stopped when he saw Jasper standing there waiting for him. He sighed and walked up to him.

"Hi Jasper." Harry was glad that he didn't stutter.

"Hi Harry. Thank you for the gifts. I love them." He smiled brightly causing Harry to blush.

"Y-you're welcome." Harry suddenly found the ground interesting.

"Thank you for the kiss." He was amused at how red Harry had become.

"You're not disgusted by it?" Jasper stared at Harry confused.

"NO! Of course not. I loved it." Harry looked up startled.

"Really?" He asked innocently.

"Really." The blonde smiled at Harry still confused.

"Would you like to come over?" He asked quietly.

"I'd love to." Harry saw Jasper's eyes light up when he saw the motorcycle and Harry had an idea.

"Would you like to drive?" Jasper looked over at Harry in shock.

"Are you sure?" He asked.


Harry got on back after putting on his helmet and Jasper sat in front. Jasper pulled out of there at high speed towards Harry's house. Harry wrapped his hands tightly around Jasper's waist. Jasper grinned as he was riding a motorcycle and Harry was hugging him.

(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter Residence)

Jasper slowed down before he entered Harry's driveway. Harry had gotten off first, then Jasper. Harry gave Jasper his bag and started for the house. Jasper smiled and walked after Harry. He stopped when he felt a wave of passion. He was about to tell Harry, when Harry opened the door and started laughing. Jasper walked up to Harry to see what he was laughing about when he saw sheriff Swan and Arthur Weasley sitting on the couch with tomato red faces. Jasper started laughing too.

"Sorry to interrupt grandpa." Harry smirked.

"Funny Harry, real funny." Arthur said while glaring at them.

"Do I need to give you THE talk boys?" He asked, snickering.

"Ha ha, funny Harry." He said while trying not to smile.

"I could get Remy in here. REMY CAN YOU COME IN HERE PLEASE?" Harry yelled.

"Harry what are you doing?" Arthur asked. He looked at Harry and saw a mischievous look in his eyes.

Remus came into the living room. He saw sheriff Swan and Arthur on the couch red painted on their faces, Harry and Jasper at the doorway. Harry had a smirk on his face and a mischievous look glittering in his eyes. Jasper also had a smirk on his lips.

"May I ask what is going on?" Remus was curious since Harry was not acting shy.

"Could you give them THE talk Remy." Harry asked innocently.

"Of course. Go do your homework Harry, Jasper." He said as a smirk appeared on his face..

"Okay Remy." Harry grabbed Jasper's hand and walked upstairs giggling.

"Now Arthur, remember to have safe sex." Remus said as he walked away laughing.

"You're not even funny Remus." The red haired wizard growled.

"Grandpa?" Charlie was confused.

"My son is seeing Remus and Sirius. Sirius adopted Harry and so now it is a joke about me being a grandpa." He answered.

"Oh." and with that said Arthur and Charlie went back to snogging.

(Harry's room)

Jasper looked around Harry's room loving it. This was definitely Harry's room. He sat down on his bed. Harry sat next to Jasper. Harry again turned shy.

"Your room is beautiful." He told his mate.

"Thank you. We should do our homework, then we could hang out in the garden." He said with a blush.

"Sure Harry."

Harry and Jasper worked quietly on their homework. They both kept sneaking glances at each other. Every time Jasper would sense Harry staring at him he would look up and Harry would look away. Harry would sometimes feel Jasper looking at him and would look up, but Jasper had already looked away.

Jasper had finished first and waited for Harry to get done. When Harry was finished he put his stuff away, grabbed Jasper's hand again, and led him to the garden. Jasper was in awe. Not even Esme's garden was like this. Everything was in bloom.

"Wow Harry, this is beautiful." He complimented.

"Thank you." Harry said smiling.

Harry and Jasper sat down on two of the chairs. They talked or rather Harry listened to Jasper's stories of when he was turned, when he met Alice, when he met the Cullens, and the stories of the places they lived in. Harry smiled as he listened. He could tell that Jasper really loved his family.

Towards the end of Jasper's stories Harry fell asleep. His head fell onto Jasper's shoulders and Jasper looked down grinning. He picked Harry up and carried him up to his room. He tucked him in, leaving a note on his nightstand, he left.

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