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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.
AN: Sexual Scene Warning in this chapter.





(With Jasper and Harry)

The next morning Harry woke in Jasper's arms. He smiled happily. He loved waking up this way and hoped to continue to do so. He lifted himself up enough to kiss Jasper. The vampire kissed him back.

"Good morning. How are you feeling darlin'?" Jasper asked him.

"Good." He said.

"Are you sore?" He asked.

"A little." He admitted.

"I'll get you a potion." He said.

"I'm fine. Just a little sore. I don't need the potion." He assured.

The blonde blinked at the wave of lust he felt. He smirked afterwards. He was happy that Harry was comfortable with him. He would have to thank Poppy. Those therapy sessions had done his mate a world of difference. He quickly kissed Harry.

"Problem dear?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm hungry." He smirked back.


"A nice sausage will do." As he grabbed Jasper's dick.

"Sausage?" He snorted.

Harry blushed. "Shut up and let me suck you."

"You may eat my sausage anytime you'd like." He chuckled.

"I'm never going to hear the end of that." He muttered.

"Probably not." He agreed.

"Shoot." He pouted.

"Sorry darlin'." He just grinned.


Jasper kissed his mate's pout. He thought it was adorable. Harry soon began to kiss him back. His hand resumed touching Jasper's penis. He broke the kiss and scooted down until he was eye level with Jasper's dick. He kissed the tip. The vampire watched as Harry swallowed him down to the root. That impish elf made sure to keep eye contact. Jasper moaned at the feeling.

The teen licked the vein underneath as he bobbed his head up and down. When he reached the tip he licked at the precome. When he went down he lightly scraped his teeth against his skin.

"Oh God Harry. That feels really good." The blonde moaned.

Harry smirked around his mouthful and kept going. Jasper twisted his hands into the sheets. He wanted to grab Harry's hair but didn't want to accidentally hurt him.

"I'm going to come." He warned him.

Just as Jasper had done to him the night before Harry swallowed him down to the root. He gave a powerful suck. Jasper came with a shout. Harry swallowed as much as he could.

"I can taste your venom." He commented.

"Really?" That was a surprise.



"So how was that?" He smirked.

"It was wonderful darlin'. Now I need to return the favor." He said.

Jasper pulled his mate up and kissed him. He could taste himself and could taste the venom as well. He made a mental note of that. Instead he flipped them over so that he was on top of Harry.

He kept kissing Harry as his hand went between them. He grabbed his mate's erection and began pumping. He kept this up until his mate came. The two laid there for a bit.

"We should take a shower." Harry suggested.

"We should." Jasper agreed.

The two stood up and made their way to the bathroom. They took a quick shower and got into some clothes. Today would be the day they went shopping. They would shop in the non-magical part of Hawaii and then the magical part. Harry was so excited. He hoped to not only pick up a few recipes but also a few plants. Jasper was happy to see how excited his mate was. As they left the room they found Alex waiting for them.

"Morning Grandpa." Harry greeted as he hugged the man.

"Good morning sir." Jasper greeted.

"Good morning Harry, Jasper." His nose twitched as he hugged his grandson back. "Apparently a really good morning."

Harry blushed. "We mated last night."

"I see." He said as he let Harry go. "Well congratulations. You did use protection, right?"

"Yeah. I took the birth control potion." It was more effective than muggle birth control.

"Good. Alright let me reapply the spell and then you may go." He said.

"Okay." Jasper said.

"I really hope they can figure out how to set a glamour to a bracelet soon." Harry pouted.

Since Jasper was a muggle vampire there was no magic on him that kept the charm going. Severus was trying to make a permanent charm that would work for the Cullen family. So far he hadn't figured it out. He did love the challenge though.

"I bet." Jasper said.

"Alright. All done." Alex said. "Have fun you two."

"We will." Harry promised.

The two left the hotel and went to the designated shopping district. They started at the bookstore. Both searched through the store gathering what they found an interest in. They checked out and went to the next. They each manage to purchase a few things from each store they were in. Both were thankful for the charmed bags they had brought with them. They were bottomless and weightless. It meant that they could put as many things into a bag as they wanted.

The two then went to the magical section. They both purchased a few things before they went back to the hotel. They dropped off their things in the room before going to a restaurant. Alex was already there. The three ate dinner there before going back to the hotel. Jasper and Harry sorted their things before Harry went to bed and Jasper read his new book.

The rest of their trip was spent on the beach, taking in the sights, or their hotel room. Alex was only in his room at night. The two had no idea where the man was and didn't ask. They figured that if he wanted to know where he was he would have told them. The trio then returned home.

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