Gifts For All

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.






The private jet soon landed. The three exited. Their luggage was already shrunk and in their pockets. They went to the car waiting for them. Remus had driven to the airport to pick them up. The minute he saw his cub he exited the car and went over to him. He hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much." He said.

"Me too."

"Congratulations." Remus said despite not liking the fact that his son was now mated.

"Thanks papa." He smiled at him.

"Thank you." Jasper said.

"Well let's get back. Everyone is waiting." He said.


They entered the car and Remus drove them home. They entered the house and received a warm welcome. Harry of course greeted his brother and sister first. He smirked at Sirus's pout.

"Hello Lily. Hello Orion. I missed you two." He said. "I have something for the both of you."

He took a blue bag out of his pocket and unshrunk it. He pulled out two stuffies from it. They were both dolphins. One was bright blue and the other was light pink. He gave Orion the blue one and Lily the pink one. The twins grabbed their new stuffies and cuddled them.

"I'm glad you liked them." He said.

"And I'm glad that my son hasn't even thought of hugging me yet." Sirius grumbled.

Harry giggled before going over to Bill. "I missed you dad."

"I missed you as well." He chuckled.


Harry then went around hugging everyone. Sirius was last. The man sat on the couch and pouted. When Harry finally got to him he laughed and hugged the man. The man tried to resist hugging him but failed. He hugged his son close.

"I missed you pup." He kissed his forehead.

"I missed you too."

After a few minutes Sirius released him. Harry smiled and took out the bags. Jasper did the same. Harry unshrunk them. The elf smirked at Luna.

"This is for you." He said.

The blonde grabbed the bag. "Thank you. I can't wait to wear this for my date with Seth."

"I thought so."

"Want to share with those that have no clue what Harry got you?" Sirius asked sarcastically.


Luna pulled out a hair clip. It was a light purple scallop shell. It seemed to sparkle in the light. It would match the dress she had been planning on wearing.

"It's beautiful." Rosalie commented.

"It is." Luna agreed.

"This is for you papa." He handed Remus a bag.

"Thanks cub."

Remus pulled a few books out. One was on Hawaiian lore. Another was on the History of Magical Hawaii, one on magical creatures from Hawaii, and the last was on historical sights in Hawaii. He drooled as looked at them. Harry smiled knowing that he loved his gifts.

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