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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.





Remus called the rest of the Cullens and Sirius had contacted the American Ministry of Magic and then contacted the British Ministry of Magic. Everyone else sat in the living room tense and angry. They couldn't understand why someone could be that cruel to someone as sweet, kind, and polite as Harry.

They decided to tell Harry about the protection that he would receive, but not what would happen to the sender of the letter. They knew that Harry wouldn't approve of what they would do, but they knew that the man would deserve what they would do to him.


"Hello, Mr. Cullen, this is Remus."

"Oh hello Remus. Please call me Carlisle."

"Sure, but I need you and your family to come over soon." Remus said.

"Why?" Carlisle was confused as he heard the panic and rage in Remus' voice.

"Harry received a letter and freaked out." Remus informed him.

"Will be there soon." Carlisle told him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Bye."


Remus turned back to the family and told them that the Cullen's would be there soon. Sirius finished the fire call to both ministries. Arthur went into the kitchen to get the blood pops for the vampires and drinks and snacks for everyone else.

(Cullen's house after the phone call)

"Everyone come into the living room, please." Carlisle said.

"Honey, what is wrong?" His wife said as soon as they were in the living room.

"Harry received a letter and according to Remus, Harry freaked out. Remus wants us to go over there." He told his family.

"Of course." Esme said and they all got up and left.

(Harry's room)

Jasper was running his hand through Harry's soft hair. He was glad that Harry didn't have another bad dream. He hated to see and feel Harry in pain. He wished he could take away Harry's pain, to only bring him happiness.

"You feel nice, Jasper." Harry said sleepily as he nuzzled his chest.

"Thank you Harry and you feel good also." Jasper said as he chuckled.

Harry lifted his head and looked at Jasper. Amber eyes locked with emerald eyes, before Harry leaned down and kissed Jasper sweetly. Jasper smiled as Harry's lips left his and then leaned up and kissed Harry back.

Harry opened his mouth and Jasper took the invitation and slipped his tongue inside Harry's mouth. Jasper explored and memorized the inside of Harry's mouth. Harry moaned as he felt the ice cold tongue explore his mouth. Soon Jasper's tongue started to dance and mingle with Harry's.

Several minutes later Harry needed to breathe. Harry then leaned back down and bit Jasper's lower lip. Jasper opened his mouth in surprise. He couldn't believe Harry bit his lip. Harry took the open mouth to his advantage and slipped his tongue inside Jasper's mouth and returned the treatment that Jasper gave him. When Harry's tongue touched Jasper's, they both started to battle for dominance.

Jasper decided to do what Harry did earlier in the kiss and bit Harry's lower lip and thanks to the fact that Harry is an elf the venom didn't hurt Harry or try to turn him. In fact the venom made Harry moan with pleasure as it entered his bloodstream. Harry's blood entered Jasper's mouth and he started to suck for more and more of the blood. He had never tasted anything as delicious as this before.

Harry gave Jasper control after the bite. Harry squirmed with pleasure under Jasper's administrations and they both groaned with pleasure when their hips connected. Both grinded against each other frantically. Neither Jasper nor Harry wanted this to end.

Harry never experienced this pleasure before. He loved the feeling and was glad that it was Jasper that was giving him this feeling. Unfortunately it ended with a loud voice.


Harry's face went redder than Weasley hair and Jasper knew that if he could blush than he would have. Harry quickly cleaned the blood off his face and took Jasper's offered hand. Harry and Jasper fixed their appearance on the way out.

Both Harry and Jasper could hear Edward being scolded by Esme. Harry hid behind Jasper since he remembered the letter and Harry felt safe with Jasper. Jasper sensing Harry's emotions pulled Harry into his side and put his arm around his shoulders. Harry looked up at Jasper and smiled sweetly at him.

As they walked in Jasper glared at his brother. Harry on the other hand had a mischievous grin on his face. He glowed a light green and next thing anyone knew Edward was hanging upside down. Around his feet were vines. Everyone was laughing when they saw Edward.

"Opps, sorry Edward." Harry said as he gave him wide innocent eyes.

Edward just scowled at Harry and quickly escaped while Harry was distracted. Jasper sat down with Harry on his lap. Harry snuggled into Jasper's chest. The girls awed at the cute picture the boys made.

"Now the reason why I called you all here is because of this letter." Bill said as he handed the letter to Carlisle.

Carlisle took the letter and read it to the other Cullens. When he finished all the Cullens were furious. Jasper was worse.

[Who the hell thinks that they can threaten my mate and get away with it?] Jasper thought the same time Rosalie thought. [When I find out who sent this Jasper and I are going to torture him to death.] Edward grimaced at everyone's thoughts even though he was thinking the same thing.

Harry had fallen asleep before Bill started talking. He snuggled closer to Jasper and all of Jasper's anger left him. He cuddled Harry as their family talked about what they would do. It was decided that Jasper would stay with Harry at night and when Jasper couldn't watch Harry someone would be there to take his place.

The Cullens except for Jasper left and Jasper carried Harry back to his room. Harry's family went to bed after they warded the house and Harry's room.

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