Protective Family

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





"Guys I just had a vision and it was terrible. I ended up puking once it ended. Here it is:

It took place in an unknown location. It was dark and there was a large fire pit in the middle. I could see the stars and the moon. There wasn't a ceiling or walls. I think I saw a tent though.

Fudge entered the picture dragging in a moving sack. He kneeled in front of a cloaked figure that I noticed once he kneeled. Fudge began to speak like he was a death eater in front of the dark lord.

He said "Master I have brought you Potter like you asked."

The cloaked figure removed his hood. Guys it was Dumbledore. He smiled at Fudge and after sending a stunning hex at the bag he beckoned for Fudge to come closer.

"Very good, my pet. You may suck my cock as a reward." He said.

"Thank you master." With that I was forced to endure that horrifying and disgusting act.

Once that was finished Fudge was sent to go grab an 'item.' Meanwhile he grabbed Harry out of the bag and tied him to a tree. Fudge exited the tent holding a box. He quickly handed the box to Dumbledore. He opened the box and pulled out a collar that he put around Harry before waking him up.

"Hello Potter." Dumbledore said and once he saw who was in front of him, Harry paled.

"No! This can't be happening." Harry cried out.

"Oh but it is, boy." Dumbledore said. "Fudge, come here."

"Yes master." Fudge walked over to his master.

"Would you like to explain to Harry about his collar?" It was then that Harry felt the collar that was around his neck and he paled more.

"Yes master I would." He nodded.

"Then go ahead." He caressed Fudge's cheek.

"That collar is a slave collar." Harry paled even more. "That means that whatever the master orders you must do." He informed him, gleefully.

"No!" Harry's eyes were wide with fear.

"Oh yes."

"My pet is correct. Let me demonstrate." He moved closer to Harry. "Kiss me." Harry began kissing him. "See you can't refuse."

"Wow master, that was hot." Fudge moaned.

"It was. Now Harry, watch." He backed away and stood behind his other pet. "Bend over."

"Yes master." He pulled down his pants and Dumbledore did the nasty with him. Harry looked ready to puke.

Once they were done Dumbledore untied Harry. "Do not run away."

Thanks to that damn collar Harry was forced to listen. I can't go into detail but Harry was raped by both Dumbledore and Fudge.

That is my whole vision. Once I was able to, I was in the bathroom puking. Please you have to make sure that this vision never comes to pass."

Everyone was silent. The journal was given to the American aurors. Kingsley broke the silence.

"I will go to Miss Lovegood to retrieve the memory. Maybe get a clue on the location." He said.

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