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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





Bill looked at his twin brothers. Both were grinning in happiness. He wondered what had happened as he raised an eyebrow at them.

"What's going on? What did you two do? Who did you prank?" He asked.

The two gasped and grabbed their chests in mock pain. "That hurts big brother."

"Sure it does." Bill said unimpressed. "I've known you both your whole lives. I know you two are up to something."

"It hurts that..."

"you don't trust...."


"My eyebrows were spelled off thanks to one of your guys' pranks." Bill reminded them.

Fred and George chuckled. "True."

"Answer my questions." He demanded.

"Fine." George pouted. "You're no fun."

"I was once blown out a window." He said.

The two menaces grinned. "Oh yeah. We forgot about that."

"Tsk." He glared at them.

"Anyway we aren't pranking anyone. We are just happy." Fred told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Fred and Jake finally talked to each other." George said.

"I know the reason he was avoiding me." Fred told his older brother.

"I had gotten sick with the situation." George explained.

"So like the hot headed idiot he is,"

"I went to go see Jacob."

"He was going to talk but his temper got the better of him." Fred said as he shot his twin a fond look.

"Oh Merlin." Bill groaned. "What did you do George?"

George grinned as he told his oldest brother everything. Fred added in a few things once in a while. Bill listened and when they finished he put his face in his hands.

"You two are ridiculous." He said once he lifted his head.

"Why thank you dear brother." The three laughed after that.

Jacob left the kitchen. Harry was behind him. Harry sat down next to Bill. Jacob stood in front of Fred. He was blushing.

"Be at my house this Saturday." Jacob said.

"Okay." Fred was stunned.

"Great." He left.

"That wasn't how we practiced that." Harry said amused.

Bill looked at his son in confusion. "Practiced what?"

"Asking Fred on a date."

"Oh." Bill and George chuckled.

"Fred?" Harry looked worried at the black look Fred had on his face.


"Are you okay?" He asked.

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