More Bad Memories

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
AN: Chapter contains abuse in details.





[Harry was back to when he was a five year old child who was made to clean up the living room. He was dusting when Dudley pushed him into his aunt's expensive vase. Harry had tried to catch it, but it smashed on his tiny hand, cutting him. His uncle who was in the kitchen since it was Sunday, heard the noise and went into the living room to see what had happened. Dudley saw his father and went to him and started screaming and crying.

"H-he tried t-to hit me." Dudley sobbed as he pointed at Harry who was holding his bleeding hand.


Vernon grabbed his nephew and dragged him up stairs. Dudley smiled and turned on the t.v. Vernon dragged his nephew up to Dudley's second bedroom. He threw Harry on the ground and started to kick and punch the child. Harry passed out and Vernon picked him up and took him down stairs. When he reached the cupboard he threw Harry into it. The scene changed when Vernon slammed the door.

The scene had changed to when Harry was six years old and was cowering away from his uncle. Vernon grabbed a hold of Harry's arm and wrote the word FREAK on it with a knife. Next he started to punch and kick Harry. After Vernon was satisfied with that he tore off Harry's shirt and turned him around. He took off his belt and started to whip him. Harry was screaming and that just made him whip Harry longer. After Harry started to bleed from the metal buckle he then carved FREAK into his back and threw him in his cupboard. The scene changed again.

This time it was when Harry was twelve and was sleeping on his bed the day before Vernon's aunt arrived. He was awakened by his uncle smacking him. His uncle stood above Harry watching him with a hungry look. The same look he gave Harry when he wanted Harry to suck him. Vernon pulled down his pants and placed his penis near Harry's lips.

"Suck or you know what will happen." He demanded.

Harry did what he was told, for he knew that his uncle would whip him. Vernon thought that this was the only good thing that the little freak was good at. Soon Vernon started to thrust his cock in and out of Harry's mouth causing Harry to choke. Vernon kept this up until he came.

"Drink it all up and then clean me up, freak." Harry did as told and soon the scene changed.

This scene was when Harry was fifteen years old and only him and Vernon were home by themselves and Harry was forced to do chores naked. Harry hated that his uncle forced him to do this. Harry knew his uncle was watching him, but was surprised when he felt a hand on his ass.

"Bend over the couch now." His uncle ordered.

Harry did as he started to panic. Every room he cleaned, his uncle would rape him. He was in a great deal of pain, but if he complained it would result in him getting whipped then raped. His uncle entered him forcibly and then proceeded to fucked him. After his uncle was done Vernon turned back to the t.v and Harry went back to cleaning.]


"Harry, wake up. Wake up." Harry heard a familiar voice say as someone shook his shoulder.

Harry opened his eyes and saw the worried face of his mate. He was touched to see the amber eyes look at him with concern. It was nice to know that there was actually someone that cares about him and was always surprised when he saw it.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes I am, Jasper." Harry leaned over and kissed Jasper's mouth quickly, surprising his mate.

Jasper smiled at his mate and kissed Harry back swiftly and softly. Harry giggled and snuggled into Jasper and fell back to sleep again. Hoping that this time he wouldn't get a nightmare, but a good dream about Jasper, him, and his family.

(Down stairs when Harry was dreaming)

Bill, Sirius, Remus, Arthur, Fred, and George were all sitting in the living room as Bill read the letter out loud.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Fred and George screamed at the same time Sirius and Remus screamed "WHAT!" and Arthur gaped at his eldest son.

Bill had a feeling this would be their reaction. All six were furious and wanted to murder whoever sent their son/grandson/nephew that letter to make him like that. They were going to find out and were going to send a letter to whichever auror came and then make sure that Harry was well protected. They all knew that the Cullens would help them, especially Jasper.

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