Meeting Bella

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





Bella was both really excited and really scared. She was finally going to meet her father's boyfriend and his family. She saw them in the courtroom but all that did was make her more nervous. There were so many of them and she found herself developing a crush on one of the red haired twins.

Charlie kept sneaking glances at his daughter. She was as usual silent but he could tell something was wrong. He wanted to ask her but Charlie figured that he had no right since he didn't raise her. He sighed quietly before he pulled into the driveway of Arthur's house.

Arthur was outside waiting for them since Harry kicked them all out except for Jasper. No one knew why but he did. Sirius was in the garage working on his car while Bill and Remus went to a wizard book store to get books. Fred and George were working on their store. Harry was in the kitchen working on lunch and Jasper was helping.

Charlie exited the car just as Arthur reached them. They shared a quick kiss before they turned towards Bella who managed to get out of the car and walk around it without stumbling.

"Arthur, this is my daughter Isabella. She prefers to be called Bella. Bells, this is Arthur, my boyfriend." Charlie introduced them to each other.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Bella."

"It is nice to meet you too." They said to each other as they shook hands.

"Sorry to say but we are going to have to wait a bit before we can go inside. Harry kicked everyone but Jasper out of the house and said that he would call us when we can go in. He did say that we can go into the garden though." He told them.

"That would be fine." Arthur led the two to Harry's garden.

Charlie and Bella were shocked and surprised when they saw the garden. It was rare to see flowers grow that well in Forks that weren't native. They got very little sun and a lot of rain. This garden was magnificent. Everything was in bloom and beautiful.

"Wow." Charlie said at the same time that Bella said "Amazing."

"This is Harry's. Not only are there flowers here but also vegetables that Harry grew himself." He told them.

Arthur left out magical plants and plants that shouldn't be growing in Forks. It would be hard to explain how it was possible and that magic exists. Harry put a glamour over them so that they couldn't see those plants.

"Harry did all this?" Charlie asked in awe.

"He did." Arthur said proudly.

Harry walked out into the garden and made his way over to the trio. "The others should be back soon and Sirius is already inside. Lunch is done so come inside and wash up." He turned and left.

They followed Harry inside. They washed their hands and sat down in the dining room just as the rest of the family came home. They too washed and sat down except the twins who helped him and Jasper bring in the food.

Those who knew that Jasper was a vampire were confused when they saw that he had a plate of food in front of him. What surprised them was the fact that he was eating it and seemed to enjoy it.

What they didn't know was that Harry had been researching and found out that there were restaurants in the magical community that serviced magical creatures' needs. He sometimes forgot that Britain was one of the countries that were biased against magical creatures and had many laws against them.

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