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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Twilight.





It was a week later before Jasper saw Harry again. Percy and Charlie had gone home and Harry had finally found the courage to go over to Jasper and tell him the truth. He had a feeling that Jasper was going to be angry when he heard the truth. He just hoped he was wrong.

Harry used his elven speed and ran over there. Before he could knock on the door Jasper had it opened. Harry looked at Jasper then looked away. The empath looked at his mate in confusion. He reached out his hand and placed it on Harry's cheek and turned his head towards him.

"What is wrong, Harry?" Jasper asked.

"I have something to tell you and I know that you will be angry at me for it." Harry said as his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"I couldn't be mad at you." He said sincerely.

"I had used magic so that I wouldn't freak out and so that you couldn't read my emotions. I didn't want you to leave me." He admitted.

"Oh Harry, I'm not mad, a little upset but not mad. You shouldn't have used magic because it is healthier to let your emotions out instead of using magic to keep you from feeling what you really feel. I would never leave you." With all that said he took Harry into his arms and gave him a comforting hug as Harry cried.

Jasper led Harry up to his bedroom where he laid Harry on the bed. He laid down next to him and pulled the blanket over them both. Jasper then proceeded to pull Harry into his arms and cuddled him.

"Harry it is okay to freak out after what happened to you, okay?"

"Okay." Harry snuggled closer to Jasper.

Jasper rubbed circles into Harry's back. He was glad that Harry told him the truth. They cuddled until Esme called Harry down for some lunch. Harry grabbed Jasper's hand and dragged him downstairs so that Harry could eat.

Emmett was amused when he saw Harry push Jasper into a chair and sat on him. Jasper glared at Emmett when he felt his amusement. He then began to feed Harry.

After lunch Harry and Jasper sat in the living room. They watched movies with Rose and Emmett. Harry sat on Jasper cuddling into his chest. Half way through the third movie Harry had fallen asleep.

[Harry was back at school standing at his locker. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice, one he had never wanted to hear again.

"Hello again Freak." Vernon Dursley said with a vicious smile.

Harry was immobilized in fear. Vernon advanced on Harry and soon three more figures appeared behind Vernon. Next came Lauran, Mike and Jessica. They were laughing cruelly as they too advanced Harry. Behind them was Dumbledore and a shadow. The shadow was the person who sent a letter. They advanced Harry as well.

Harry stood there as they continued to close in on him. They continued to laugh and they had started to say awful things to him.

"You deserve this Freak for being such a slut." Vernon said.

"I'm going to make you pay for stealing Jasper from me." Lauran was the next to speak.

"Faggots need to be killed for liking the same gender as themselves." Mike said as he looked at Harry in disgust.

"Being a fag and stealing Jasper from Lauren was a horrible thing for you to do and so you must be punished painfully Fag." Jessica said after Mike with the same look of disgust.

"Your parents would be upset with the way you turned out Harry. They would also be very disappointed with you because you had me fired and thrown in Azkaban."

"I told you that I would free Dumbledore and soon I will free everyone else you had imprisoned. You know that you deserve everything we are about to do." The shadow said as they had finally closed in on Harry.]


"Harry, wake up! It's only a dream." Harry heard Jasper say as he shook him gently to wake him up.

Harry opened eyes to see Jasper's worried ones right in front of his face. Jasper could both see and feel Harry's pain. Harry saw that Edward, Esme, and Rose were standing behind Jasper. He saw that they were also worried. He saw that Edward also had a knowing look on his face. That meant that he had seen Harry's nightmare.

Harry's eyes glistened with tears as he jumped into Jasper's arms. He started to cry as Jasper wrapped his arms around Harry. It broke Jasper's heart to see Harry like this and to feel his pain.

"It's okay Harry. Let it all out." Jasper whispered into his ear. "You will feel better afterwards."

"I'll go make Harry some tea. Edward, Rose give Harry some space." Esme said.

The two nodded then left. They went to go find Alice and Emmett. The four were going to help Harry's family find the person who sent Harry the letter. Jasper was going to help before he realized that he would be helping by being near his mate and keeping him calm.

"Here you go sweetie." Esme gave Harry the tea to help calm him down.

Harry nodded in thanks. The tea plus Jasper using his gift calmed Harry down.

"Harry, I know that you don't want to talk about it, but it might help if you tell me about your dream." Jasper said to Harry.

"Okay." Harry said before he told Jasper his dream.

"Oh love, with everything that has happened I am not leaving you alone at all. Even if I am not with you either my family or your family will be with you." He then kissed Harry's forehead.

Harry smiled at his mate before he cuddled into his side, laying his head on his chest. Esme smiled and took a picture. She went back into the kitchen and started to cook dinner for Harry.

Harry and Jasper had sat on the couch cuddling for a while before Harry fell asleep to Jasper telling Harry about his past. Jasper smiled and hoped that Harry wouldn't have any more nightmares.

Luckily for them both Harry had no more nightmares. Jasper woke him up for dinner and then Jasper took him home. Harry smiled at Jasper and kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Jasper."

"Goodnight Harry."

"Jasper, tomorrow is the trial and I want you to be there at my side." Harry said to him.

Jasper smiled at Harry. He leaned down and kissed Harry's lips. When the kiss ended Jasper placed his forehead on Harry's.

"I will be at your side forever Harry." He said.

Harry looked up at Jasper. "Promise?"

"I promise." He said.

"Good." He moved his head and then kissed Jasper sweetly before going inside the house.

Jasper knew that Harry wouldn't always be calm tomorrow, but hoped that him being there would help. Jasper went home. He wanted to question his siblings about what had happened. He hoped they were closer to finding that bastard.

Harry had no idea what everyone was doing though. When he went upstairs to bed no one told him that they were trying to find the person who sent him the letter. All Harry knew was that he was afraid of the trial, but knew that Jasper would be there.

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