Making Sure They Pay

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





(Percy Weasley's flat few weeks ago)

Percy had received a letter from the twins. He was beyond pissed after reading the contents. How could Molly, Ronald, and Ginevra do that to Harry? He never trusted Dumbledore and that was why two years ago he was against him. He had been ashamed and angry with himself for what he had said about Harry and that was why he went to the infirmary after the events of M.O.M to apologize. He was happy when Harry forgave him. Soon he had thought of Harry as a little brother.

A soft voice broke him from his thoughts. "Is something wrong Percy?"

He gave the letter to his fiancé, Penelope. She read the letter. When she was done she wanted to kill Molly, Ronald, and Ginevra. She looked up at Percy. She opened her mouth to say something when she heard a knock at the door. She went to go answer it. At the door was Charlie Weasley. He looked murderous.

"Hello Penelope. Is Percy here?" He asked.

"Yes." Penelope stepped aside and Charlie stepped in.

"He is in the living room. Would you like anything to drink?" She asked him.

"No thank you." Penelope nodded and left.

Charlie walked into the living room. He saw his younger brother pacing. Percy looked up and saw Charlie.

"Did the twins send you a letter too?" Percy asked sitting down in the armchair.

"Yes and that's why I am here. I am going to send a letter to tell him whose side we're on." Charlie said sitting on the couch.

"I am on Harry's and dad's side. Tell Harry that me and Penelope are getting married and will send out invitations soon." He said.


"I am also going to ruin them." He told him.

"That will be easy. Dad is divorcing Molly and disowning Ronald and Ginevra. If we tell the Daily Prophet why, people would turn on them and Harry's other friends will make life hell for them. Plus a lot of what they did was illegal and the ministry will most likely take action. Harry might not realize it but there are many people in the ministry that care about him." His older brother confirmed.


They both grinned at them.

(Harry's Garden: Present)

Harry was playing back his conversation with Jasper. He was glad that he had listened to Fred and George even though he was still scared. He felt better. Harry was thinking about Jasper's voice and how soothing it was. Hedwig sat on Harry's shoulder after dropping the newspaper on his lap. He gave her an owl treat. She nipped his ear affectionately before grabbing the treat in her beak and flying off.

Harry read the newspaper and couldn't believe what he was reading. The articles were all about what his so-called friends and headmaster did to him. He stood up and walked into the living room. The only other person in the room was Arthur. He sat down next to him and snuggled into him. He showed Arthur the newspaper. The man took it and read it.

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