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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





Fred walked up to Jake's door. He took a deep breath before he knocked. He was a little nervous but very happy to have a date with his mate. It didn't take long for the door to be answered.

"Hi." The shapeshifter greeted.

"Help Jake." He smiled at him.

"Please come in." He moved out of the way.

"Thanks." He entered the house.

"Wow." He gasped as he looked around the room. "A lot of this looks homemade."

"It is." He confirmed.

"That's so cool." He grinned.

"R-really?" Jake was shocked.

"Yeah. I love homemade furniture. To me they look amazing. Did you make any?" He asked.

"Yes. There is some furniture in my bedroom that I made." He said proudly.

"Cool." He grinned at him.

"Thanks." He blushed.

"You're welcome. Oh right. Harry found this book on submissives. He said chapter ten is about submissives believing they are dominants." He held it out to him.

"Thanks. I'll have to thank him later." He took the book and quickly put it in his room.

"You're welcome and Harry already said you're welcome." Fred told him.

"Oh okay." The wolf still planned to thank his cousin later.

"Wait. I know that smell." The redhead sniffed.

"Harry showed me how to make it." He blushed.

"Yes!" He cheered. "Now I have two people I can con to make it for me!" He cackled.

"Excuse me?" Jacob looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing." He quickly said.

"I'm telling Harry." He said.

"What?" He looked at him in shock and confusion.

"Conning people? Really?" He shook his head in mock disappointment.

The wizard spluttered. "What?"

"I'm so shocked right now. Have you conned Harry?" He asked.

"No!" He may have joked but he would never do that to Harry. [I would never break my promise to Harry nor would I ever act like them.]

"I don't believe you." Jake shook his head once more.


"Maybe I shouldn't let you eat." He said.

He smiled teasingly at the redhead. Fred pouted at him.

"You're so aren't funny." He muttered.

"I couldn't help it." The dark haired male chuckled.

"I bet." Despite the pout he was happy to know that his mate was comfortable around him enough to tease him.

"Let's eat." He said.

"Alright. Do you need help?" He asked.

"No. Go sit and I'll bring it." He told him.

"Okay." He smiled at him.

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