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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





Everyone but Arthur were sitting in the Cullen's living room. All eyes were on Alice as she stood in the middle of the room and waited for her to tell them her vision.

"As you know that while we were out hunting I had a vision. My vision took place in a prison. I watched as a man, who looked like an obese whale, escape." She informed them.

Jasper flinched at the emotions he was feeling. From Harry he could feel fear and pain. The rest of Harry's family, he could feel their anger and rage. Whoever this man was he had hurt Harry and Jasper was going to make him pay.

"I saw the vision in Alice's head and recognized him from Harry's nightmare. He is Vernon Dursley right? Harry's uncle from marriage who hurt Harry?" Edward asked.

Harry only nodded before he climbed onto Sirius' lap and buried his head in his chest. Jasper was glad that he did as he clenched his hands into fists. He didn't want to scare his little mate. He was angry that someone had hurt Harry and he knew that Harry would get scared if he was near people, especially males, who were angry. It was all that man's fault.

"Well after he escaped another fat man in a green suit and bowler hat walked up to him. He handed him a ticket and told him where Harry was." Alice informed them.

Harry's family went still. That description matched the ex minister's. Percy stood up and went over to the Cullen's fireplace and began to cast a spell.

"What is he doing?" Esme asked, confused.

"He is making your fireplace connect to a floo network so that he can contact both the American ministry and the British ministry. Alice just described the ex-minister who had helped Dumbledore keep Harry at the Dursleys." Remus explained.


Soon both ministry aurors were at the Cullen's residence. Alice recounted her vision.

"Do you know the date or time that it happened?" Kingsley asked.

"No." Alice said after a few minutes.

"Kingsley, have Tonks call the muggle prison that Vernon was sent to. I want to know if he is there or not. After that I want you to find and watch Fudge." Alaster ordered. Kingsley nodded before he made his way over to Harry.

"Don't worry Harry. We will get them. Just remember that not only does Moody have your back, but so do I, Tonks, your family, a coven full of vampires, Sirius' cousin and those wolves, and a bunch of women at Hogwarts who are very scary as well as Severus. You are well looked after." Harry giggled and gave the person he thought of as a big brother a hug before Kingsley left.

"I am going to make sure that the others stay where they belong." Mad-eye said as he turned to leave only to be stopped by Harry hugging him.

"Thank you." Harry mumbled.

"You're welcome." Mad-eye said as he hugged him back and left.

Harry quickly went back to sitting on Sirius' lap. "We will monitor the air lines and other muggle transportation. We would also like to put up protection wards around your house lord Black."

Sirius nodded. "Okay."

The aurors left and Esme went into the kitchen to go get snacks. They were startled when both Harry and Edward began laughing. Harry was laughing so hard that if it wasn't for Sirius holding him he would have fallen off the couch.

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