Beginning to Heal

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter Residence)

Harry woke up a couple of hours later. He noticed Jasper was gone and was disappointed. He then noticed a note on the nightstand. Picking it up he realized it was from Jasper.

Dear Harry,

I had to leave, but thank you for letting me come over.



Harry smiled. He went down to the kitchen to get a drink. He poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice and sat down at the kitchen table. Soon Arthur walks in with slightly mussed up hair, causing Harry to giggle. Arthur glared at Harry playfully before grabbing a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Is he your mate, grandpa?" Harry asked quietly.

"I think he is. After so many years under the influence of love potions I can not tell anymore." He sighed.

"Maybe professor Snape will help. He did after all help us win the war and is a good man from what mum's diaries tell me." He suggested.

"Maybe. It doesn't hurt to ask." Arthur looked at Harry. He looked happier since Jasper came. "I am glad that you are happy, Harry."

"Thank you, grandpa." Harry drank his juice before continuing. "I took the twins advice and gave Jasper a chance and I'm glad I did. He is so sweet and kind to me." He blushed.

Arthur got up, kissed Harry on the forehead, and left to go owl professor Snape. Harry finished his juice and magically had his and Arthur's glass be washed and put away. After they were put away, he started dinner.

(Cullen Residence)

Jasper Cullen arrived home with a smile on his face. His family noticed and wondered what put him in such a good mood. After Jasper put the gifts Harry had given him in his room, he went into Carlisle's office to tell him about his day. Carlisle was amazed with the progress that his son made with Harry.

"Seems whatever Harry was going through he is starting to heal and I think that you are helping him heal." He answered.

"How am I helping?" Jasper was confused.

"By being kind and showing him love. I called his father, Remus, to ask what was wrong with him." He said.

"What did he say?" He asked.

"He said that it wasn't his place to tell, but to tell you that if you wanted to help heal him, then all you need to do is shower him with love." He answered.

"I plan to." With that said Jasper left to make plans for Harry.

Carlisle smiled at Jasper as he left. He was glad that Jasper wasn't lonely. His wife and him hated seeing him so alone, while everyone else had mates. Finally his mate had come and he was helping Jasper just as much as Jasper was helping Harry.

(Jasper's room)

Jasper's room was done in navy blue and a light wood color. Unlike the rest of the family, Jasper didn't have a bed. He didn't need one. He was thinking about getting one so that Harry had something to sleep on if he ever came over. He placed the picture that Harry drew him over his dresser after he put it in a frame, placed the bear on top of his desk, and placed the blue poppy in a vase on top of the dresser next to the drawing. Jasper's phone rang and he picked it up after seeing that the caller was Harry.

"Hello Harry." Jasper purred his name.

"H-hello Jasper." He knew by Harry's stuttering that he was blushing.

"Why are you calling?" He asked.

"I was wondering if tomorrow you would like to come over?" His mate asked after a few seconds.

"Love to." He said.

"Great. Bye Jasper, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Jasper smiled after Harry hung up. He was going to call Harry and ask him out on a date, but he would do that tomorrow. He was still going to give Harry his gift. He was going to give it to Harry today, but decided he would give it to Harry if he accepted to go out on a date with him. Jasper laid down on the couch in his room, grinning. He was imagining what tomorrow was going to be like.

(Twins' room)

After dinner the twins and Harry went back to the twins' room. Harry was smiling through dinner. The twins wanted to know why, especially since their dad and Remus seemed to know what was causing Harry to smile.

"So Harry, We..." Harry could tell that Fred was the first to speak.

"wanted to know..." George took over for Fred.

"what has made..."

"you so happy..."

"and smile throughout..."

"dinner." And as usual they finished together.

"Well I gave Jasper three gifts and he came home with me after school." He told them.

"So what happened?" George asked.

"Well we saw grandpa and sheriff Swan snogging out on the couch." Fred and George looked at Harry and then themselves in shock.

"No way!" "You're kidding!" They exclaimed at the same time. Harry giggled.

"Yup." Harry said happily and the twins could see that Harry was smirking. "I teased grandpa and I will give you the memory later."

The twins looked at Harry and started laughing.

"I went upstairs with Jasper. We did our homework and talked for a while, before I fell asleep." Harry took out a note and showed the twins.




Harry shook his head and snuggled into the twins and fell asleep.

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