Epilogue Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.





Harry and Jasper were very happy. Jasper now taught history at Harmony High School for Magical Creatures. He enjoyed teaching. Best part was that he didn't have to hide during sunny days. His students and fellow staff members were unfazed when he sparkled in the sunlight. They also respected that he was mated and never hit on him. The magical art teacher flirted with him but it was harmless. She flirted with all the adults and when Harry was around she flirted with him as well.

Harry had completed his mastery and had opened a greenhouse. He also opened a store to sell the plants he grew. It was very popular. Severus, his lover, and Draco were his favorite customers. Neville helped him out a lot. The boy had a gift for growing plants. Luna helped him in the greenhouse as well. She mostly worked in the store though.

The couple didn't have any plans on starting a family so soon after they had gotten married. That changed a year ago and the couple began trying. Even if they didn't have any children in the near future or at all they would be happy. The couple also knew that they could always adopt. They were just grateful for what they had and that people had stopped going after Harry. After what happened to Dumbledore and the others they knew better.

Harry and Jasper loved hanging out with their siblings, nieces, and nephews. They loved spending time with Harry and Jasper.

At the moment Harry was making dinner. Jasper and Harry were having the whole family over. They did this at least once a month. Adam, Tyler, and John were his little helpers. Jasper was setting up the huge table in the garden. Charlie and Oliver were setting up the play area for the younger kids.


"Yes uncle Harry?" He asked.

"Go get Jasper or one of your dads." He said.

"Okay." He put the whisk down and left the room.

A few minutes later he returned with Charlie and Oliver. They took one look at the elf and went over to him.

"What's wrong?" Charlie asked.

"I suddenly got very dizzy." He said.

"Okay. I'll take over cooking and Oliver will help you to the couch." He said.


Charlie took over cooking as Oliver put his arm around Harry and led him out of the kitchen and into the living room. He helped Harry to lay down. He then took out a mirror and called Penelope. He told her what was going on and she promised to be there soon.

Jasper came in after hearing Oliver call Penelope. He went over to his mate. He sat down next to him and ran his fingers through his hair. Penelope soon came out of the fireplace. She went over to Harry and began scanning him. A scroll appeared and she found the problem. She smiled at her brother-in-law.

"Congratulations Harry. You're pregnant." She said. "Two months infact."

"Really?" He smiled.

"Yes really. I'll go get you some prenatal potions." She said.


Harry sat up and kissed Jasper. They were finally going to have a baby. Oliver pretended to gag but the huge smile on his face ruined it. Harry stopped kissing Jasper and hugged Oliver.

"Congrats Harry." He said as he hugged him. "You too Jasper."

"Thanks." The two said.

"Daddy?" It was John. "Is uncle Harry okay?"

"I'm fine John. Come here." Harry said.

John ran over to his uncle. Harry picked him up and sat him on his lap. Harry hugged him close.

"I was dizzy and your aunt Penelope checked me over. I'm going to have a baby." He told him.

"I'm getting a new cousin?" He asked in excitement.

"You are, love." He said. "Hopefully."

"Hopefully?" He asked.

"I could lose the baby." He said.

"Oh. I hope not." He said.

"Me too. Now aren't you supposed to be helping your dad make dinner?" He asked.

"Oh yeah." He jumped off Harry's lap and ran into the kitchen. "Dad! Uncle Harry's pregnant!"

"That's one way to tell people." Jasper said dryly.

"Yup." Oliver agreed. "That's my son for you."

"Should have expected that." Harry said.

"True. Excuse me." He left.

"Here you go." Penelope said.

"Thanks." Harry grabbed the vial and downed it. "Yuck!" He made a face.

"Gross but good for the baby." She said.

"Can someone get me some water or juice?" He asked.

"I will." She said.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Jasper and the others basically put Harry on bedrest and took care of dinner. The others noticed the suspicious behavior and wondered. When Luna arrived their suspicions deepened when she congratulated Jasper and Harry. Sirius was the first to ask.

"What's going on? Why did Luna congratulate you both?" He asked.

"I know that we aren't supposed to say anything now but I'm pregnant." He said.

All at once the couple was congratulated. Harry looked at his family and smiled. He remembered always wishing for this and now he was happy and with people that loved him. He couldn't wait to see what the future would hold.

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