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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





(With Aquilo)

The shapeshifter went to the human school. His guard was up as he waited for those sick assholes to make a move. It was taking too long. He wanted them put away and not freely out there. They would pay for hurting a child. He went over to Jasper. Once more he held the vampire's hand. It was odd and he didn't like it but he did it anyway. Like usual the school day went by slowly and without much drama.

At lunch he went to the bathroom. At long last they finally made their move. As he washed his hands a fat man hit him with a stunner from behind. It didn't affect him but Aquilo acted like it did. He fell to the floor. He looked at the man, scared.

"I told you Potter." The man smirked.

He was put into a sack and taken away. He had lowered his mental shield so that the telepathic vampire knew. He also alerted his mate. He then waited. He was picked up and a crack was heard. He felt like he was being sucked through a straw. After all these years he hated apparating. The sack he was in was thrown to the floor and he was dragged. The shapeshifter waited and an hour or two later the man stopped dragging him. He was picked up once more.

"Damn you are heavy." The man huffed as he began walking.

'Wait until you realize I'm not Harry." Aquilo thought smugly.

A few more hours passed. The man huffed and puffed as he carried the sack. Eventually he was dropped and another voice was heard.

"Is that you my pet?" Dumbledore asked.

Aquilo met the man once. They were teens then. He didn't like the man then and now he hated him. He did recognize the voice. He quickly alerted his mate. It was time.

"Yes master. I have him." The man said.

"Good job Cornelius." He praised him.

Aquilo wanted to gag. He soon felt Jade's presence and then her magic. The wards were now up. He was then shoved out of the bag. He came face to face with Fudge and Dumbledore. They smirked at him. He gave them a frightened look.

"N-no." He gasped out in fake horror.

"I told you Potter." Fudge said. "Now you will pay for what you did."

"Indeed he will. Go get the collar." Dumbledore ordered. "And alert the others."

"Yes master." He turned and left.

"Oh the things I will do to you Potter." He licked his lips.

"You won't be doing anything to me." Aquilo said.

"You talk bravely now but you won't have a choice." He chuckled.

Fudge soon returned with the others. In his hand was the collar. The shapeshifter felt the presence of others. The sickos in front of them were too busy staring at him in hunger and revenge to notice. Fudge handed the collar off to Dumbledore. The man put it on Aquilo. He then stepped back and smirked.

"Kneel before me, Potter." He ordered.

"No." He glared as he stood.

They all looked at him in shock. They couldn't believe that the collar didn't work. Dumbledore glared at Fudge.

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