A Letter and Bad Memories

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
AN: This chapter mentions different forms of abuse in detail.





Jasper walked into the living room where Bill was sitting reading a book. Bill looked up to see the vampire carrying an unconscious Harry. The redhead jumped to his feet in panic.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know. An owl came and Harry took the letter from its foot. Then the owl took off and Harry read it. He went pale, fell to the ground, and started to shake. I sent him some calming feelings and he fell asleep." Good thing he was a vampire and didn't need to breathe or else he would have been gasping for air.

"Where is the letter?" Jasper gave it to him.

"Go lay him down on his bed and stay with him in case he has a nightmare." Bill ordered and Jasper nodded then went upstairs to do what he was told and Bill read the letter.

Dear Potter,

If you think that you are free from us then you are wrong, Freak. Once Molly, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Albus are free, we are going to come and find you. We will teach you a lesson you won't forget. If you think that your uncle was bad, you are in for a real surprise. I'm going to fuck you so hard that you will never be able to sit again. Then all of us are going to carve what you really are into your skin and whip you so much that your back won't have any unblemished skin. Then we will use the cruciatus curse on you. I don't know what the other's will do to you, but you can bet it will be awful. Before we leave I will cast a spell that will make you relive all your worst memories. Oh and we will continue to visit until you die. Now doesn't that sound like fun. No? Well you deserve it, Freak. How dare you get them arrested and how dare you get me fired. Can't wait to see you. You will be seeing us soon, as I plan to break the other 5 out as soon as possible.

See you soon Freak,

Your torturer.

[No wonder Harry was scared and who the fuck is this? Better contact the rest of the family and contact the Aurors.] Bill thought as he went to the fireplace to floo the aurors and reached in his pocket to grab the cell phone so that he could call everyone home.

(Harry's room)

Jasper laid Harry on the bed and sat down at his desk. He was worried about his mate.

[Please don't let Harry have nightmares please, please, please.] Unfortunately his wish was unanswered.

[I was running away from my uncle. Dudley broke aunt Petunia's expensive vase and had blamed it on me and now I was in trouble. I ran and ran farther ahead of my uncle, but tripped on the glass shards of the vase and landed on them. I now had cuts on my hands and knees since my pants were already ripped. My uncle grabbed me and started walking towards the basement.

Uncle Vernon threw me on the ground and my head smashed against the floor painfully. He tied my hands together and then put the collar on that was chained to the floor. He told me to count every time the whip hits me until I reach one hundred. I did and after the third hit the buckle started to cut me. I was starting to get dizzy and my vision blurred before fifty hits. I knew that if I fell and closed my eyes it would be worse.

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