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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





"Well that is because I thought that you were dead and I couldn't feel your magic." Alexander admitted.

"Why would you think that I was dead?" Harry asked.

"I was visiting a muggle town to retrieve a young elfling that was orphaned the night that you were attacked. I returned and the place was on fire. I went inside to check and only found your parents' bodies and a pile of ash in your crib." Harry gasped. "I removed their bodies and gave them a proper earth elf burial before I sent my magic out to search for yours. You see since you have elf genes in you I would have been able to connect my magic with yours. For some reason I couldn't connect with your magic and when that happens it usually means that person is dead. I went back to the forest and grieved over the loss of my family."

They all stared at the older elf in shock. This brought some facts that none of them knew into the light. They weren't even aware that James knew this man.

"So you wanted me?" Harry asked. He was afraid that this man was going to say that he didn't want a freak like him.

"Of course I wanted you. You are my grandson." Alexander told him.

He sighed when he saw that Harry didn't look like he believed him. How he wanted to go find the Dursleys and kill them slowly and painfully before killing the rest that caused his little elfling harm.

"After I grieved I stayed out of the wizarding world and became a teacher to young earth elflings. It was on your birthday that I felt your power. I left to go find you. When I did, I watched to see whether or not it was you." He told him.

Jasper wrapped his arms around a shaking Harry and pulled him onto his lap. This action caused Alexander to smile. He was glad that Harry had such a good mate.

"When I was sure I went back home to inform our kings." He said.

"Our kings?" Harry asked.

"King Terra and his consort are the kings of Earth elves. I reported the information and they told me to come here and teach you. I would have done it anyway but this just means that no one can make me leave." He said.

"Oh. How come?" He asked.

"There is a treaty between earth elves and the ministry of magic. To force me away is a violation of said treaty. That and since you yourself are an earth elf you fall under our laws and then they would be breaking our laws and the treaty." He explained.

"I see." Harry said. He had finally stopped shaking and began to relax.

"I now get to spend time with you and make up for the time that we lost. I also get to teach you what you need to know about earth elves and everything." He smiled at his grandson.


"First we will get to know each other. Once you are comfortable with me then we will begin your lessons." He said.


"How about next Saturday you and your family can come to my house that I have here and have lunch with me?" Alexander suggested.

"I like that idea." Harry said shyly.

"So do I." Alexander said with a grin. "I have to leave now. I have to go stock up on food that I can't grow." His pout caused Harry to giggle.

"Bye grandpa Alex."

Alex smiled. "Bye my little elfling."

He left and Harry went over to Bill and handed him a vial. "I told Poppy that you were pregnant and then asked her a bunch of questions. She said that you need prenatal potions and handed me some."

"Thanks Harry."

"You're welcome father."

Harry then grabbed Jasper's hand and walked out of the living room and into the garden. He gave Jasper a watering can and soon the two were watering the garden in silence. Jasper gave his little mate the chance to think.

(Unknown Location)

A small man in a green suit and bowler hat approached a cell. He quickly opened it and then entered. He was soon standing in front of an old man in black and white striped jumpsuit. Around his wrists and ankles were shackles.

"You came."

"Of course I did. Hold on and I will free you in just a second." Fudge said.

The old man smirked as he nodded and after a few seconds the shackles were removed. He stood and stretched. The other man handed over a wand.

"Where is the boy?" He asked.

"Forks, Washington in America. I freed his uncle to distract them so that the brat will be vulnerable." He eagerly told his master.

"Good." The man said with a smirk and soon both men left.

Poor Harry had no idea what had just happened.

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