Sickening Vision

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight




(With Luna)

Luna was getting ready for bed when the vision hit her. It was so intense that her knees gave out and she clenched her head in pain. When it was over she ran to the bathroom and emptied her stomach.

Once her stomach was empty and she wasn't lightheaded anymore she went to the sink and rinsed out her mouth. She then left the bathroom and went to her things. She grabbed a journal and began writing her vision down. It disappeared once she finished. She hoped they found it soon.

Luna then brushed her teeth and laid in bed. Unfortunately, the vision kept her awake.

(Unknown Location)

Fudge walked over to his master and handed him a potion vial. The man took it and sucked it down. Fudge grabbed the vial back.

"Feeling better master?" He asked.

"Yes I am."

"Good. Do you require anything else?"

"Not at this moment. Remember that we leave tonight." He told Fudge.

"Of course master."

"Soon you will pay Potter, soon you will pay." The old man vowed.

(The twins)

The twins were in their room. It was George who noticed that the journal was glowing.

"Fred look." George pointed to the journal causing Fred to look and grab it.

"It's from Luna." Fred read it and turned green. He handed it over to George before going over to the garbage can and began puking.

George read it and made his way downstairs. He handed the book to Sirius before running back upstairs to check on Fred.

"You okay?" He asked in concern.

"Am now."

"I gave the journal to Sirius."

"Okay. Let's go downstairs then." George nodded and wrapped an arm around his brother and together they went downstairs.

They saw that Sirius had called in the rest of the family. Arthur saw how pale Fred was and quickly went over to his son.

"Fred, what is wrong?" He asked.

"I read the journal." He answered darkly.

"The journal?" Arthur asked in confusion.

"We gave Luna a journal and we kept one. It was so that Harry could keep in contact with Luna during the school year. Luna wrote her vision in it and Fred read it. I read it too and it was horrifying." George explained.

Fred sat down and wrapped his arms around a confused Harry. Fred just nuzzled his hair and comforted himself that Harry was still alive and well.

"Fred?" Harry asked, worried for his brother/uncle.

He didn't respond except for bringing Harry onto his lap and tightening his arms. Harry was very confused as were all except George.



"What is the vision about that is making him need to reassure himself that I am safe?" He asked.

"I can't say Harry. I....What that vision is about makes me sick." George told Harry honestly.

Harry nodded and curled into Fred. Based on his reaction and from what he just learned from George he didn't want to know. He really wished that these bad things would quit happening to him.

"What does the journal say, Sirius?" Arthur asked in concern.

Sirius took a deep breath and opened the book and read the contents. Judging by how much Sirius paled, the others knew that it was worse than what they had been imagining from the twins' reaction. He swallowed and opened his mouth.

"Luna had a terrible vision. One that needs to be reported immediately." He said.

"Why?! What was the vision about?" Bill said, causing Harry to wiggle out of Fred's hold and walk over to him.

"Whatever the vision is about will be handled by the authorities. No matter how horrifying it is, you mustn't worry about it. It isn't good for both you and the baby. The vision will help to keep me safe. Plus, if we tell grandpa Alex he will help and from what I have learned from our lessons, no one should piss off an elf, especially when they are near their element." Harry said, hugging his father.

Bill hugged his son back. "Thank you Harry I needed that."

"I know. Why don't we go into the kitchen while they talk?" He suggested.


They left and the others took turns reading the vision. Sirius in the meantime floo called the ministry once again. Soon the journal was handed to the aurors. The oldest one began reading it out loud.

"Guys I just had a vision and it was horrible. I ended up puking once it ended. Here it is:"

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