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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





Harry had gone to bed and Jasper left to spend time with his family. The rest of the family gathered in the living room. They were waiting for both the aurors of the American ministry of magic and the aurors of the British ministry of magic to arrive. As long as they didn't go after the person they were allowed to help out.

Soon the fireplace flashed green and a witch and a wizard entered the room. They were wearing dark red robes with a silver badge attached. It was obvious that they were American aurors. The older one had salt and pepper hair, a well trimmed beard, and green eyes. The younger had long blond hair and hazel eyes.

"Hello I am auror captain Ash and this is auror Johnson." He introduced himself and his partner.

"Hello." Remus greeted back.

"We have been assigned to the case since we are specialized in working between ministries and auror Johnson also specializes in tracking handwriting and letters." He told them.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both." He said.

Soon Kingsley and Mad-eye came into the living room. Once the introductions were out of the way they got down to business.

"We need to know everything that happened with the letter." Mad-eye growled.

Remus nodded and told them everything. "We want to go after them but we know that we would only get ourselves into trouble and that would harm Harry further. I know that the others have tried to track down the person but they haven't made any progress."

"When you called us you gave us the letter. I analysed the letter and know that the ink it was written in is very rare. It is made in Britain and is made from the tears of a shadow phoenix and the blood of a baby black unicorn." Auror Johnson told them, causing a lot of them to be shocked. "Do you know anyone who could afford that type of ink?"

"Actually yeah." Arthur said. "Percy was once an under secretary to the minister. He told me once that minister Fudge had used that type of ink at work. He remembered since he had to buy the ink for him once a month."

Auror Johnson nodded and wrote down the information. "Did he also use a griffin feather quill?"


"Both were used to write the letter." She turned towards the British aurors. "I would be able to match handwriting if I had a sample."

"We can get you one and send it." Kingsley told them.


"We have tightened security of the prisoners as well as have a magical camera in place to help monitor the prison." Mad-eye told them.

"We will keep you informed but remember that if you pursue any suspects it will put this case in jeopardy." Auror captain Ash told the family.

"We promise we won't." Remus promised.

The American aurors left. Kingsley was the next one to speak.

"Leave the case up to us. Oh and tell Harry that we will be visiting soon." Mad-eye said.

"We will." Sirius said and they watched them go before they all went to bed.

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