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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Twilight.





(The hospital)

Before the receptionist could speak Rosalie spoke. Her family were shocked to see how sad and awful she looked. It was obvious that whatever happened to Harry had affected her badly.

"Dad is taking care of Harry." She said and then turned and looked in the direction Carlisle took Harry.

"What happened?" Remus asked.

Rosalie asked them to sit and when they were settled and a spell was casted so that nobody heard what she said, she explained what happened a second time. Harry's family were angered by what they heard and the Cullens were also affected by what happened.

"How did you know that something happened?" Rosalie asked Harry's family.

"Harry has a friend named Luna who happens to be a seer. Her powers are different from Alice's." Bill said as he put a calming arm around Remus's shoulder and a calming arm around Sirius' waist. "She only sees the future of those she cares about. She thinks of Harry as an older brother." He explained. "Sometimes she has visions and sometimes just a picture or a feeling. She saw Harry in a hospital bed and contacted us."

Carlisle came into view before anyone could respond. Bill canceled the spell so that the doctor could hear them.

"Ah you're all here, good." He took an unnecessary breath. "Harry is healing nicely. He has several cuts and bruises. He healed the more severe wounds and injuries on his own."

Everyone breathed in relief. They were thankful that Harry was going to be alright.

"You may see him now, but he is still unconscious." He informed them.

"Thank you Carlisle." Remus said.

"You're welcome. Oh and I called sheriff Swan so that those three will be punished for their crimes against Harry." He said.

They all nodded and went to see Harry. They were sad when they saw how Harry looked. His long black hair billowed around his face. His skin was almost as white as the sheets he laid on. His face was littered with bruises and cuts.

Jasper was at his side in an instant. They could all tell that he wouldn't leave Harry's side until Harry woke up and even then he would probably never leave. Harry's family sat close to the bed and Jasper's family sat along the wall. They stayed like that until sheriff Swan came.

"Rosalie Cullen may I have a word with you, please?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Rose stood up and followed the sheriff out.

When they were outside the room sheriff Swan waited for the doctor to join. Carlisle stood next to Rose as she was questioned.

"Miss Cullen can you tell me what happened?" He asked.

"Yes sir. I was walking to the cafeteria for lunch. I heard someone scream and went to see what happened." She took a breath before continuing. "I saw one boy kicking Harry as the two girls watched. I ran over to where they were as fast as I could and pushed them away from Harry and asked them what they thought they were doing. They ran away and I picked Harry up and took him to Edward's car. I drove to the hospital and called Carlisle so that he could be there when I arrived."

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