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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight




Harry awoke from his nap to find Jasper cuddling him. Jasper was pressing really close to him and was running his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry turned and looked at him.

"Hey." Harry said sleepily.

"Hey." Jasper responded and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Perce told you, didn't he?" Harry asked after a few minutes.


"I see. Just remember that if you can't get a reading on my emotions or my emotions seem off just tell me that way I can stop. When I first did it Percy explained to me what I was doing and what could happen." He informed his mate.

"I will darlin'." Jasper said in a southern accent that caused Harry to giggle. "Come on Esme has made food for us."

"Okay." They both stood up and went downstairs.

When they got to the table Esme immediately placed food down in front of them. They said thank you and began eating.

"Before I forget Sirius called. He said that you should come home because another elf visited and he wants to teach you things and Sirius wanted to talk to you about it before you meet him." Esme told Harry.

"Okay I will leave after eating then. Thank you Esme."

"You're welcome dear."

Once they finished eating Harry and Jasper left. After the vision there was no way in hell that he was going to leave his mate alone and he wanted to make sure that this elf was safe for his mate to be around even if they hadn't met him just yet. If he wasn't then the elf was going to pay.

Once there Harry got off the bike and grabbed Jasper's hand. Even though he wouldn't be meeting the elf yet he was nervous and scared but at the same time excited. He was unknown and had a high possibility of wanting to harm him but he was also another elf. He could help Harry with his powers as well as his knowledge on elves. The books at the store only described types, how to identify them and their type, and what had happened to elves in the past. To Harry that wasn't that helpful.

As they entered the house they saw Arthur and Charlie. Harry quickly went over and hugged his grandfather. He was excited to see him up and about even if he was sitting in the living room.

"Does he know?" Harry asked.


"Hello Charlie." He greeted as he canceled the glamour.

"Hello Harry. You're right Arthur, he looks better when he is showing his elven features." Harry blushed and sat down next to Jasper on the loveseat.

"Thank you. Anyway, where is dad? Esme said that he told her that an elf visited wanting to teach me and dad wanted to talk to me about it." Harry asked.

"He is upstairs with Remus and Bill. They will be down soon." Arthur answered.


Just as he said that his parents barreled down the stairs. Sirius went over and sat near Harry while the others sat down near them.


"Before we talk about the elf we have some great news." Sirius said.

"What?" He asked.

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