Victim No More

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter Household)

The minute Harry entered the house he knew something was wrong. Remus was sitting on the couch. No sounds escaped him as tears ran down his cheeks. Sirius was sitting next to him. His arms were wrapped around the other as he cried into his shoulder. Arthur was holding onto the twins as they cried into his shoulders. Charlie and Percy were standing behind the couch that the twins and Arthur were on. Harry couldn't see their faces but he could tell they too were crying.

"What's going on?" Alexander asked.

"Bill's been kidnapped." Arthur said. "Remus and Bill had gone shopping. Remus was knocked out and when he woke he found Bill missing and a note. The aurors have it. He said that it was written on plain white paper and in pink ink. All it said was that they would be in the place she had been kidnapped and tortured. There was no signature, just a pink cat stamped on."

"What?" Alexander was confused.

'Pink? Cat? Umbridge?' Harry wondered. 'I feel like it's her. That means the Forbidden forest.'

"Harry?" Percy looked at him. "No one knows what that means. Do you?"

"No." He lied.

"Damn." He cursed.

'I need to confirm it's her.' He thought. 'Then I will show her that going after my family was the wrong thing to do.'

"I had hoped." Arthur sighed.

"I'm sorry." He felt guilty for lying.

"Unless you helped with the kidnapping none of this is your fault." Charlie said as he hugged him.

"Why don't you go unpack. Charlie agreed to make dinner." Percy suggested.

"Okay." He grabbed his suitcase and went upstairs.

Harry entered his room and locked his door. He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. He learned that as long as the plant has eyes he could use his powers to look through them. When Umbridge had been taken by the centaurs he had spotted some weird looking plants. They had eyes and were watching them all. He later learned they were called spy plants. The reason was that they spied on people and reported back to their owner. Salazar Slytherin had planted them when they were building the school. The reason was so that they would report back any suspicious behavior. He just hoped that he was wrong because Umbridge hated gays just as much as she hated magical creatures. He was hoping he was correct because at least then he knew where his father was.

The green eyed elf closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and concentrated. It took a few times before it worked. He nearly gasped in horror. His father was tied to a chair. Fenrir Greyback was in a silver cage in front of him. He looked feral. Next to the cage was Umbridge. She smirked at the redhead. Next to her was Lyall Lupin, Remus's father. He really wished he could hear what was being said.

The teen opened his eyes. They glowed green and he made his decision. He snuck out and went to the forest. He called up Jasper. A few seconds later his boyfriend was hugging him. He hugged him back.

"I'm so happy you're back." The blonde vampire said.

"Me too. I need your help." He explained the situation.

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