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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight




Harry, Jasper, and Luna were in the guest bedroom that Luna was using. Harry refused to leave Luna and Jasper refused to leave Harry. They all sat in the room as Luna told the two the changes that magical Britain were going through.

"So Britain is setting up magical schools?" Harry asked her.

"Yeah. When Kingsley and Moody were talking to minister Bones she realized how bad our community was." Luna said.

"That's great. What about the bans and laws?" Was Harry's next question.

"They are being looked into." She told him.

"About time." He said.

"Right? At least this minister isn't stupid." Luna said.

"Madam Bones never was." Harry said.

"So true." Luna yawned. "I'm going to take a nap, okay?"

"Alright. If you need us we'll be downstairs." Harry told her.


They left as she fell asleep.


George was furious as he hunted down the wolf shifter known as Jacob Black. He had avoided his twin long enough. As soon as he spotted him he shot a stunner before he tied him up. The other shifters stared at the two in shock.

"We need to talk, Jacob." George hissed.

"About what?" Jake asked, still stunned by what just happened.

"About you imprinting on my brother but ignoring him." He answered.

"WHAT!" Jake was staring at Sam. His alpha glared at Jacob.

"I need an explanation and I need one now." Sam demanded.

"At the dinner, the one where we met you all, this," George hissed and pointed his finger at Jacob. "Imprinted on my brother. Now he has been ignoring Fred."

"I see. Please let him go so that I can talk to him." Sam told the angered redhead. "I will call you when I finish. In the meantime could you fill the others in on what is going on with Harry?"

"Yes I can. Thank you." It calmed him to know that the others didn't seem to agree with what that mutt was doing to his brother.

Sam nodded before he dragged Jacob away from the others. He had to make sure that they were too far away to be overheard. Meanwhile George began to inform the rest of the wolves on what had happened. Even though they didn't like the leeches they were glad that they were protecting the young elf. Each found that it was too hard to hate Harry. He had managed to worm his way into each and everyone of their hearts.

"As much as I hate to say this," Paul began. "but maybe we should have a meeting with the bloodsuckers and the rest of Harry's family."

"Bring it up to Sam." Jared said. "It has merit."

"I will."

(With Sam and Jake)

Once they were far enough away Sam dropped Jacob and glared at him. "You better have a good reason for ignoring your imprint?"

"I...I'm so confused." Jacob admitted.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I never liked boys before. Now my mate is male and not only that but he is the dominant one." He answered.

Sam gave him an understanding look. "I see. That is very confusing. Why didn't you come to me?"

"I wanted to come to terms with it. At first I was hoping that it was wrong and then I was trying to deny it. I stopped when every time I saw Fred I felt the need to bare my neck in submission. I.." He trailed off.

"It's alright Jake. I get it now. I believe that you should talk to your imprint." Sam said.

"A-alright." Jacob swallowed.

"Don't worry. As your Alpha and your friend I will come with you." He told Jacob.

Jacob visibly relaxed. The relief was clear on his face. "Thanks."

"Of course."

"When are we going to do it?" He asked.

"I think now would be the best." Sam told him truthfully.


"Let's go." He untied Jacob.

They walked back to the others. George looked furious as he looked at Jacob. Sam looked at the only red haired person around.



"Jake and I are going to talk to Fred. I hope that you will join us." He said.

"I will." He confirmed.

"Great. Let's go then. We will talk later." He told the rest of the pack before they all left.

It wasn't long until they were at the house. George showed them to the living room. He left to go get Fred. The others sensed the situation and left to go get privacy. Fred and George sat on one side while Jake and Sam sat on the other.

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