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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Twilight.





(Next Day at Forks High School parking lot: Morning.)

Every student was in Forks High School parking lot when two police cars entered. They all watched as sheriff Swan exited one police car and officer Anderson and officer Weber exited the other. Mike, Lauren, and Jessica paled the moment they saw them. Everyone watched silently as the three cops walked up to the three who beat up Harry. Sheriff Swan arrested Mike, officer Anderson arrested Lauren and officer Weber arrested Jessica.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Screamed Jessica as they were led to the police cars.

"Mike Newton, Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory you are under arrest for the assault of one Harry Black." Sheriff Swan said and then he read them their Miranda rights.

As soon as the police cars left the parking lot and was out of sight the whole student body broke out into whispers. Rosalie texted her brother, father, and mother to tell them what had just happened.


Harry woke up to Jasper gently stroking his hair. Harry lifted his head from Jasper's chest and gave him a kiss. Jasper gladly kissed back.

"Good morning my wonderfully gorgeous mate." Jasper said.

Harry giggled his reply. "Good Morning to you too."

Jasper kissed Harry's nose. He was glad that Harry was better than before. He was afraid that Harry would push Jasper away and distance himself from everyone. Thankfully that was not the case.

Harry snuggled his head into Jasper's chest. He was happy that Jasper still wanted him after what had happened. Why would Jasper want a freak for a mate? He was glad that Jasper still wanted him.

They both sat up when they sensed Carlisle and Harry's family coming. Harry quickly sat in Jasper's lap and snuggled into him. This caused Jasper to laugh as he tightened his arms around Harry and nuzzled his hair.

"I see that..." Fred started to say when he walked into the room.

"you are feeling..." George chimed in.

"much better, Harry."

Harry's only response was snuggling closer to Jasper. This caused everyone in the room to laugh.

"Harry, I am sorry to have to tell you this, but you have to get off Jasper so that I can examine you." Carlisle said.

Harry nodded and moved off Jasper and sat down next to him. Carlisle examined Harry after that. When he was done, Harry crawled back into Jasper's lap and cuddled into his chest.

"Harry you may go home today. After one of your fathers signs release forms, then you may go home." He left the room and Remus followed to sign the release forms so that they could bring Harry home.

(With Charlie and Percy)

Percy was having dinner with Charlie when an owl dropped a letter in front of both of them. They looked at each other and grabbed the letter that was on their plates.

Dear Charlie/Percy

I hope that you are doing well, my son. I have written this letter to inform you that yesterday when Harry was at school he was beaten up badly. Three of his classmates didn't like the fact that Harry was gay nor the fact that Harry was in a relationship with Jasper Cullen. Rosalie Cullen found them beating Harry and scared them off before getting Harry to her father at the hospital. He is doing well, but I was hoping that you would come to visit him. I know that it would make him Happy to see you. This letter is a portkey. The password is knife.

With great love,

Arthur Weasley

Charlie and Percy looked at each other before calling out the password.

"Knife." They both felt the familiar tug at their navels. Soon they landed in front of the Black residence. Arthur was there to greet his sons.

"Hello boys."

"Where is Harry dad?" Charlie asked.

"He is at the hospital, but he should be home soon. Remus told me that they were getting papers signed and then they would drive him home." He answered.

"Is he going to be alright?" Percy asked.

"Yes, he only has a few bruises and cuts. Thanks to him being an elf he heals faster than a muggle or wizard. They should be healed by tomorrow." He said.

"Thank Merlin." Charlie said.

"Come inside and have some tea while we wait for Harry to come home." Charlie and Percy nodded as they followed their father inside.

When they saw the living room, both shook their heads. Arthur saw this and chuckled.

"As you can see Sirius decorated this room." He said.

"We can tell." Both said.

Arthur chuckled again before he motioned for them to sit and continued to make his way to the kitchen. They sat down on the couch and they both swore that it smelled just like the couch back in the Gryffindor common room. Soon Arthur came back with some tea and handed a cup to both of them.

"So, how are you two doing?" He asked them.

"I am doing well. Oliver and I are getting married on winter yule." Charlie informed him.

"That is wonderful." He was really happy for his son.

"Yeah it is. Oliver is planning on asking Harry to be his witness. Percy already accepted to be mine." He was going to ask Bill but he felt that Percy needed it since he was still guilty over abandoning the family.

"That is perfect. What about you Perce?" He asked his third child.

"Penelope and I are getting married during the summer solstice. Charlie accepted to be my witness and Penelope has one of her best friends being hers." He told him.

"I am happy for you both. Not to mention proud." The red haired father told them.

"Thanks dad." They both said.

"Alright you two stop imitating your brothers." Arthur said. "It is really creeping me out." This caused all three to laugh.

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