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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





Standing at the door were seven vampires. "Hello. I am Carlisle Cullen and this is my family. We are here to make sure that the humans in Forks are safe."

"Nice to meet you. I was going to ask the same thing. Oh by the way I am Remus Lupin-Black. Please come in."

They all entered the living room. Sirius and Bill walked down the stairs.

"Carlisle these are my mates Bill Weasley-Lupin-Black and Sirius Black." He introduced them.

They were surprised that he had two mates. Carlisle pointed to each person stating their names. As they heard their names they either said hi, hello or nodded their heads.

"This is my mate Esme. These two next to her are Rosalie and her mate Emmett. The two on the floor are Edward and his mate Alice. The male next to me is Jasper."

"Nice to meet you all. Sirius where is Harry?" Remus asked.

"Asleep in his room until the twins find him." The three males grimaced.

The Cullens were confused.

"FRED, GEORGE!" A male voice yelled.

The twins came into Harry's room. They looked at each other and grinned. They dove onto Harry's bed and started to jump on it. Harry was jolted awake. He looked up into the grinning faces of Fred and George.


The Cullens looked at the ceiling in surprise. Two people ran by them as fast as they could. They had neon purple hair, crying that they were sorry. A few minutes later Harry calmly walked down the stairs. Jasper had realized why the last scent that he had smelled had smelled really good. When he saw Harry he knew that he had found his mate.

"Harry, why did you change the twins' hair purple?" Remus asked.

"They woke me up Remy." Remus shakes his head. "Harry, these are the Cullens. Cullens this is our son, Harry."

Harry waved then he walked into the kitchen quickly. [That was rude he didn't even look at us and what is that smell?] Rosalie thought, making Edward grimace.

"Don't take offence to Harry, he is very shy." Remus told them.

"It is okay. What is he? He smells different." Esme asked.

"Harry is an elf." He told them.


Harry walked into the kitchen and was amazed. It was white with blue accents. He was in love with it at first sight. He saw that it was already stocked. He took out the appropriate ingredients for pumpkin pie. After it was put into the oven Harry casted a spell to alert him when the pie was done. He went outside to the garden. As soon as he enters the garden, all of the plants perk up and start to grow or bloom. Harry decided to plant some food plants so that they wouldn't have to shop for food as often. He heard Remus talk about how Harry was the only one going to school.

After a while the spell alerted him that the pie was done. He turned the timer off. He quickly washed up. He took the pie out and put it on the counter near the window. He looked at the clock and noticed that it would be lunchtime soon. He decided to make chicken, potatoes, and green beans. When it was done he brought it to the dining room.

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