New Hope

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter household)

Three months had passed since Bill had been kidnapped. He and the babies had returned home after a week and everyone fell in love with the twins. Harry adored his new brother and sister. He helped out as much as he could. He could spend hours just staring at them.

Remus had been horrified after he learned the truth. The monster he had been afraid of had actually saved him and wasn't actually a monster. The real monster was his father. It turns out Fenrir only bit a child when their parents gave them permission or so that he would get custody and take them away from the abusive environment. The werewolf hadn't been declared a threat until after he had bitten Remus. Albus had done it.

Fenrir had been taken to a hospital that specialized in Weres. They healed him up and got the drugs out of his system. He gave his statement and requested to talk to Remus. He told the sandy haired man that there was no rush and they could talk whenever the younger werewolf was ready. It took awhile but Remus set a meeting with Fenrir during the weekend. Sirius would be there for him and so would Harry.

Lyall and Umbridge had been punished. The ministry followed the law and allowed Harry and Remus to decide. Both had their magic sealed. Knowing Umbridge would open her mouth and get herself killed she had a spell placed on her to keep her from saying anything foul. She was then sent to work as a servant for a werewolf pack. She was then made to keep huts cleaned, clean the food, and get supplies when necessary. She was fed and not abused or physically punished. If she broke any rules she was forced to write lines and an apology letter.

Remus made the suggestion that they do the same with Lyall. They did and he was given to another werewolf pack. A ministry official checked in on the two every month. They made sure the two weren't mistreated and that they were behaving.

Some had been upset with the decision. Despite what the two had done they didn't like a witch or wizard being ordered about by halfbreeds. No one protested though. The icy green eyes that glared at them stopped that. They had been pacified after they learned that the two would still be monitored.

At the moment Harry was in the garden with his new siblings and parents. They were in their bassinets. Harry had placed them in the shade and he was rocking them. Bill was napping on one of the lounge chairs. Sirius was in his animagus form. He laid in the sun. Remus was in the lounge chair next to Bill. He was watching his kids with a smile.

"You're spoiling them." The werewolf teased.

"It's my job." Harry said.

"Is it now?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, yes it is." He nodded before he smiled.

"Okay then." He smiled back at him. "Oh hello Severus."

"Remus." He nodded at the werewolf. "Hello Harry."

"Hi Severus. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good Harry. You?" He asked despite already knowing that answer.

"Good." He grinned.

"That's good. I just came by to drop off these potions." He showed him the three vials. "These are the vampire pregnancy potions you asked me to brew." He said. "I must admit that it felt really good to brew my own creations again."

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