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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.





(With Bill, Sirius, and Remus)

The three were getting the house ready for Harry's return. Fred and George were at their stores and Arthur was at work. They were mostly trying to keep their mind off the fact that Harry and Jasper had probably mated during this trip. They didn't like it because in their eyes their son was always going to be too young to mate. He was forever their baby.

They only stopped to eat, take a break, and take care of the twins. None of them wanted to accept that Harry was now mated even though they liked Jasper. Despite that they still added space for Jasper. They added a private room for him to use.

Soon Arthur came home. He saw the three and sighed. "I did that too when you first left."

"What?" The three looked at him.

"When Bill got the job at the bank I spent a few days getting it ready for his return." He said.

"Really?" Bill asked.

"Yes. Your mum allowed it since that meant less work for her." It still hurt thinking and talking about that woman.

"Of course she did." He scowled.

Bill loved his mum and always would but she had been a bad person and was now paying for her crimes. He loved his youngest two siblings but they had broken the law. He couldn't stand to talk about them without getting angry just yet. The wounds they left were still fresh and it would take a long time for them to heal.

"When did you stop?" He asked.

"When you come home during the holidays." Arthur admitted. "It reminded me that you still loved me and that you still needed me."

"So what you're saying is that even though our pup has mated he will always love and need us?" Sirius asked.

"Yes. That and this place can't get any cleaner." He teased.

Sirius stuck his tongue out at the man. Arthur chuckled at that. He felt really lucky that he was able to be a part of this great family. He just hoped they were going to be happy about his news. He wanted Harry to be here before he told them. There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." He said.

"Thanks Arthur/dad." The three said.

The redhead went to the door and answered it. To his surprise it was Luna Lovegood. She was a day early. She smiled at him.

"Hello Luna." He greeted her.

"Hello Mr. Weasley. I know that Harry isn't back yet but my flight arrived earlier than expected." She explained.

"I see. Flight?" He asked.

"I wanted to experience flying in an airplane." She said.

"Ah. Well, come in." He said.

"Thank you. Congratulations by the way. Don't worry I won't tell anyone." She said.

"Why thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." She said as she stepped into the house.

"Your room is the same as last time." Arthur told her.

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