
3.3K 112 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
AN: Chapter contains violence.





(Harry's Room)

Harry woke up to Jasper stroking his hair. He lifted his head from Jasper's chest to look at Jasper's face. Harry leaned in and kissed Jasper sweetly.

"Hi." Harry said after the kiss.

"Hi." Jasper said back, chuckling.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"It's six o'clock in the morning." He answered.

"Oh, I am going to take a shower then." Harry got up, grabbed his clothes, and went into the bathroom.

Jasper quickly went home to change and was back before Harry turned on the shower. He finished both his and Harry's homework before Harry came out of the bathroom. Jasper felt the venom pool in his mouth at the sight of Harry.

Harry was wearing a tight sapphire blue long sleeve button up shirt. His dark blue jeans hugged his hips. His long black hair was in a tight braid tied with a blue ribbon. His elfish features were still showing.

"I'm going to go make breakfast. If you help me, I will give you a blood pop." Harry said with a smirk.


"You going to help or not?" He said as he crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently.

"I'll help cutie." Jasper replied while smirking.

Harry smirked back and grabbed Jasper's hand and pulled him out of the room and towards the kitchen. Together they made breakfast for Harry and his family. Soon the boys came into the kitchen following their nose and stomach.

"Good Morning everyone." Harry said cheerfully.

"Morning Harry." Came six sleepy replies.

Harry smiled as he ate his breakfast. Jasper was happily sucking on a mountain lion flavored blood pop that Harry had given him. The rest piled their plates full of food and stuffed their faces. Jasper could feel that Harry was content and knew the reason was because he was eating with his family and mate. He was happy knowing that he had helped make his mate happy.

Soon breakfast was done and Harry and Jasper left for school. Before they left the house Harry had applied the glamour much to Jasper's dislike. Harry let Jasper drive his motorcycle since he knew how much he wanted one of his own. Harry also let him since he loved holding Jasper tightly.

They arrived at school before anyone else, including the rest of the Cullen "children". Harry got off the bike first then Jasper. Jasper handed Harry the keys and kissed him. Harry giggled slightly and kissed him back. Just as Jasper was about to kiss back, Harry moved his lips away. They kept doing this until they both heard the sounds of cars and pulled away from each other.

(Before Lunch in the hallway.)

Harry was walking to the cafeteria when three people stood in his path. Those three people were Mike, Jessica, and Lauren. Mike slammed Harry into a locker as Jessica and Lauren laughed.

"Well, if it isn't Fork's newest fag." Mike said.

"Yeah, you're a disgusting freak." Lauren said.

Jessica went over to where Mike had Harry pinned against the locker and hit him hard. "Not only are you a sick little fuck, but you turned Lauren's future husband into a faggot as well." She said to Harry.

Mike slammed him into the locker harder and then Lauren took Jessica's place and hit Harry. Her ring cut his left cheek, causing it to bleed. Harry had yet to make a sound. He was staring at the three human teenagers in fear. He couldn't move and he had stopped breathing.

"I don't know what you did to MY Jasper, but it ends today." Lauren said as she smacked him again causing another cut to appear on his face. "You will stay away from MY future husband or else we will kill you, faggot." After she said that Mike started to punch and kick Harry.

Harry blocked his face as the punches and kicks continually hit him. He curled up into a familiar defensive ball. He started to have flashbacks of when HE used to beat Harry to an inch of his life before HE threw Harry into the cupboard under the stairs.

(With Rosalie)

Rosalie was walking to the cafeteria for lunch when the scent of blood caught her attention. The blood smelled weird, just like Harry's and her eyes widened. She ran as fast as she could to Harry led by the scent of his blood.

When she arrived in the hallway where Harry was she saw red. Those three idiots were beating up her brother's mate. She quickly went over to Harry. The three didn't notice her and it was only the fact that she was in school that she didn't kill them. She pushed them away from Harry,

"What the FUCK do you three think that you are doing?" She asked them snarling.

They looked at her in fear and ran off. Rose quickly looked at Harry, picked him up, and ran to Edward's car. She placed Harry in the front passenger seat and hot wired the car. She drove out of the parking lot and sped off to the hospital as fast as she could. She had to get Harry to Carlisle. She grabbed her phone and called him.

"Hello Rose." Carlisle answered.

"Carlisle, meet me in front of the hospital right now." She told him.

"What is wrong?" He asked as he heard the panic in her voice and knew something was wrong.

"I was on my way to the cafeteria when I smelled fresh blood and immediately recognized it as Harry's. I quickly followed the scent and came across Harry being beaten up by Mike Newton while Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory were watching." She told him without taking a breath.

"I'll meet you out there." He hung up.

Next she called Jasper. She knew that Alice wouldn't see it since she could not see elves.

"Hell-" Rosalie interrupted before he could even finish hello.

"Jasper, come to the hospital immediately. Harry's hurt." She hung up and stopped the car.

Carlisle was at Harry's side at once. He took a look at him and quickly took him out of the car. He ran into the hospital with Rosalie right behind him.

(With Jasper)

Jasper was a little worried. He knew that Harry should have been here by now and he wasn't. His cellphone rang and he picked it up noticing that it was Rose.

"Hell-" He was interrupted by Rose's panicked voice.

"Jasper, come to the hospital immediately. Harry's hurt." She hung up and he left as quickly as he could with humans around with his siblings on his heels.

He couldn't believe Harry was hurt. He was angry with himself. He couldn't believe he let Harry get hurt. He was supposed to protect him. Whoever hurt him will pay dearly for whatever they did to him.

He knew that Rose took the car so when they were out of sight from the school they ran as fast as they could to the hospital. When they arrived they saw Harry's family get out of the car. Together they entered the hospital asking for Harry.

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