Waiting Game

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter House)

A week had passed since the switch. Almost everyone was quiet. Aquilo kept to himself in the guest room. They all acted like he was Harry when they were outside the house. Bill missed his son a lot and kept himself busy with preparing for the baby. He just wished Harry was there. The elf would send gifts but it wasn't the same. Jake came around a lot to cheer up his mate. Everyone was hoping Dumbledore and Fudge would make their move.

It would not only bring Harry home but the stress of having this loom over them would end. Dumbledore and Fudge weren't the only problem. It turned out that Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Molly had escaped. Dumbledore had been freed by Fudge with the help of the guard. A few days before Tonks and Mad-eye had gone to Azkaban the guard freed them. Muggles then took their place. They had been homeless when they were kidnapped by Fudge and forced to take polyjuice potion. The day the aurors went to Azkaban the muggle taking Dumbledore's place had died due to heart failure and a replacement hadn't arrived.

Since the guard had been caught and arrested no one was giving the muggles polyjuice to the muggles. They had changed back. No one had noticed until a guard was handing out food. They then reported it. The minister was pissed. Not only with the fact they escaped but also with how they were treating the criminals. They still had rights and being fed every once in a while wasn't okay. The fact muggles were also being mistreated and used wasn't good either.

When the family was told no one was happy. Now they had three four other people to worry about. It was starting to feel like Harry was never coming home. They all wondered why it was always Harry.

"Bill?" Remus walked up to him.

"Yeah?" He was in the library at the moment.

"I brought you some food." He said.

"Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." He placed the tray on the table.

"Did you hear anything?" He asked.

"No. Aquilo says that he still feels like he is being watched but that's it." The werewolf answered.

"I see." He said.

"Yeah. Luna hasn't had any more visions." He said.

"As much as her visions could help, I am glad. I don't want her to have to see what those sickos are planning." The last time she spent most of her time having nightmares and he knew that she was still having them.

"Me too." He said. "How's the baby?"

That made Bill smile. "Good. They still like kicking my bladder."

"Sirius said he added a bathroom that connects to the library." He told his mate.

"Good. It's getting harder and harder to make it to the other one. I was starting to think I was going to have to live in it." He joked.

"So was I." He laughed.

"Tomorrow we find out the sex of the baby." He was excited but sad.

"I know. I wish Harry could be here as well." Remus said.

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