Epilogue Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.





Ten years had passed since Harry and Jasper. Charlie Swan and Arthur had gotten married. The two were very happy. They became foster parents. Harry's past inspired them to try to make sure that many children would know what it was like to be loved and wanted. They took in babies to teenagers. Many of the kids that lived with them ended up going to the best colleges out there and making something of themselves.

With Harry's help they bought a bigger house so that they could help more children at once. They now had a four bedroom, three bathroom house. They usually had three foster kids at a time. Some lasted until they were adopted and some stayed until they went to college. It made the two very happy to see how well their kids did. They currently had three teenagers living with them. Two boys and a girl. The girl was a recent addition.

All three were magical. The oldest boy was a weretiger. His family abandoned him. He had been fourteen when he had arrived at the house and now he was sixteen. He planned to work at Harry's greenhouse.

The second male was fifteen. He had arrived at their house the year before. He was a neko. His parents died and he had no family. He was shuffled from foster home to foster home. He wasn't sure what he wanted to be.

The girl was thirteen and was a shifter. Her form was a fox. The wolves helped as best as they could. Her mom had given her up for adoption when she was a baby. She had been a teen mom and knew she wasn't in the position to raise a child. Unfortunately she hadn't been adopted and stayed in the system.

Thanks to Draco the Weasley family's reputation and lordship had been restored. He had ended the blood feud. He even found the reason for it. Armand Weasley and Cedrella Malfoy had been arranged to marry. Cedrella was in love with Atticus Cast. Armand knew and broke the contract so that she could marry him. He was also in love with Olivia Bennett. The families weren't aware and assumed it was due to the Malfoys only being able to produce one child and on a rare occasion two. That caused a blood feud, especially when Armand married a day after he broke the contract.

Draco had made it public that both parties wanted the contract broken and that the contract allowed it if both parties agreed. Arthur was given the lordship back. It would pass to Bill when the time came.

Bill, Sirius, and Remus didn't have any more kids. The twins were their world. Sirius taught them the fun of pranks but made sure they never used them to bully. The twins turned out to be werewolves. Remus would have been horrified before. Now he wasn't. Since they were born werewolves they wouldn't know the pain of the transformation.

They had been going to Hogwarts for a few months. They both enjoyed it. Lily had long black hair and amber/blue eyes. Her face was scattered with freckles. Her brother also had black hair. His eyes were an amber/grey color. He had a few freckles. Their personalities were mischievous and outgoing. They never used pranks to bully others and helped others, especially those that were being bullied.

Bill had gone back to work now that the kids were in school. Despite the years away he was still one of the best. Harry occasionally went with him on a job when his parseltongue was needed. Sirius's garage was very popular, especially after he hired Jacob and Paul. The two were very good mechanics. Remus was head librarian at the library. He made reading fun for the kids and helped to acquire more books.

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