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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.





(Harry's high school Graduation)

Harry's senior year at Forks High was uneventful, thankfully. He and everyone else was very grateful for it. Now he was in chairs waiting for his turn to be called. His family and friends were there watching the ceremony. It was hard to keep the smile off his face. He was truly happy.

Soon his row was called and he stood up and followed them. When his name was called he walked onto the stage. He grabbed his diploma and shook hands. He even smiled for all the cameras. He returned to his seat.

Soon the graduation was over. Harry went over to his family. They hugged and congratulated him. Jasper then kneeled down in front of him. Harry gasped out and so did the girls before they squealed.

"Harry Potter, will you do the honor of marrying me?" He asked as he presented the ring.

"Yes!" He said before Jasper stood and kissed him.

Jasper put the ring onto Harry's hand. The ring was simple yet gorgeous. It was fourteen karat gold. There was a square cut emerald in the middle. The design was masculine. Harry loved it.

Soon Alice and Rose pulled him away. They gushed over his ring as well as congratulated him. Emmett and Edward teased Jasper since they noticed him pouting as his mate was stolen. Soon Harry was passed around the large group. He did manage to get Miracle, Esme and Carlisle's baby. He snuggled her.

"How about we all go back to our place to celebrate." Esme suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Sirius said.

"Me too." Harry chimed in.

"Let's go." She said with a huge smile.

The group drove to the Cullen residence. Many females had sighed when they witnessed the proposal. They wished they were marrying one of the boys. They felt it was unfair that all the attractive ones were gay. It was so sad.

The group soon arrived back at the house. Esme went to the kitchen to cook while Carlisle fed Miracle. Alice couldn't contain her excitement for long.

"When do you plan to get married? Where? Can I plan? What do you plan on wearing? Can I plan?" She asked.

"Ahhhhhh!" Harry stared at her wide eyed.

"Back off." Edward said as he grabbed his wife and placed her on his lap. "They were just engaged. Give them a minute before you get on their case." He rolled his eyes.

"Fine." She pouted.

"They'll pick me to plan it anyway." Rose said confidently.

"Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrow at her sister.

"You heard me." She smirked.

"Oh we'll see about that." She said.

"Yes you will."

Harry leaned in close to Jasper. "I'm scared."

"Me too." He agreed.

"Shh!" Alice pouted.

"Here you are Harry." Esme handed him a plate.

"Thank you Esme."

"You're welcome."

Esme then passed food around to the others. They all talked about many things. Harry was very happy. He was engaged to his mate and he was going to start his apprenticeship soon. His siblings were growing up happy and healthy and his family wasn't done growing yet. After the dinner Harry and the others went home. Jasper and him then went to bed.

(A few months later)

Harry was a very busy elf. He was working on his herbology mastery and planning a wedding. He was also planning a baby shower as well. He was very happy especially when no one tried to attack him, his family, or his friends.

At the moment he was meeting with Rose and Alice. The two were helping him plan the wedding. Today they were discussing flowers. He had a rough idea of what he wanted. Jasper would be meeting with them later to help them finalize. He had to finish up with his classes at the college he was attending.

"I was thinking of dark blue poppies and purple lilies." Harry admitted.

"I do believe those would look nice together." Rose said as she made a sketch.

"Me too." Alice agreed.

"Here is a sketch of what the arrangements could look like." The blonde said as she showed Harry.

"I like it." Harry said.

"Me too." Alice agreed.

"So do I."

"Hopefully Jasper likes it as well." Harry said.

"I'm sure he will." Rose reassured him.

"He will love anything you come up with." Alice said.

"Thank you." He smiled at them.

"Sorry I'm late." Jasper said as he entered the room. "Hi." He kissed Harry's cheek.

"Hi. What do you think?" He asked as he handed the sketches over.

"These are wonderful. I love the combination of our favorite colors and flowers together." He said.

"Great." He smiled.

"Which sketch do you like the best?" Rose asked.

"I like the third one. The way the flowers are mixed together look great." He said.

Rose grabbed the sketch pad and circled the third one. They wouldn't need a florist since Harry was growing them himself. Now they just needed to know where all the flowers were going. The four planned it out. All the while Alice teased Harry about wearing a dress. She really wanted to make one but only if Harry felt comfortable. The raven haired elf rejected the idea. She pouted but accepted his decision.

"How about-" Alice began.

"Not going to happen." Jasper said.

"Fine." She pouted.

Once they were done Jasper took Harry home. Draco was coming over to talk. The two had become close friends and it helped that Paul had imprinted on him. The older wolf spoiled Draco but also called him out on his crap. Draco seemed to sooth Paul's temper. Harry was helping Draco cook a meal.

The blonde wanted to make his mate a home cooked meal and had asked Harry to help. He had agreed. Jasper was happy that Harry had true friends and not the fake friends he had before. His mate was happier and that made him happy.

The blonde was already at the house. He was waiting for Harry in the kitchen. He huffed when he spotted the two.

"Well it's about time."

"Chill Draco. I was planning my wedding." He rolled his eyes.

"I better be invited." He warned.

"Of course you are." He said.

"Good. Now teach me to cook." He demanded.

"Okay." He chuckled.

The two got to work. It was a lot of trial and error. Eventually Draco managed to make a good steak and potatoes. Harry helped him put them into containers. The blonde left after thanking him. Harry smiled as he watched him leave.

"He will never change." He said.

"He really isn't good at sharing his emotions is he?" He asked.

"No he isn't." He said.

"Now that we have some free time let's go to your garden." He suggested.


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