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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





It was a few weeks later since the wolf pack was over. Harry was still on his guard around people. He stopped flinching when he expected to be touched. Fred and George were the only two that he was really comfortable with. They made sure of that. It was Sunday. They laid in the twins' room cuddling on George's bed. Since coming to Forks the twins were able to really be themselves.

They had gold streaks through their hair making it really look like fire. Their hair was also spiked. They started wearing tight clothes. Their room was done in ocean blues and sea greens. What most people didn't know was that Fred was gay and George was straight.

Fred and George were trying to get Harry to talk to his mate. They knew he was scared thanks to his uncle.

"Harry you should..."

"give your mate..."

"a chance."

"I guess I should, but I am scared. What if he is like my uncle?" He bit his lip.

Fred and George were heartbroken hearing their little brother thinking that everyone was going to hurt him and afraid to even talk to them. They wanted to find the Dursleys and kill them slowly and painfully.

"Harry if he is like your uncle we would kill him, but your mate is the person who will protect you not harm you." Fred said.


"Yes really." George said.

"Don't worry little..."

"brother your mate..."

"will never let..."

"anyone touch someone..."

"as cute as..."


Harry blushed when he heard that. He thought that the twins were joking. [Me cute, yeah right. I am an ugly freak who is unloved and unwanted.] He thought sadly.

"Harry we know..."

"what you are..."

"thinking and you.."

"should stop. You..."

"are gorgeous."

The twins ended up falling asleep talking. Harry Left their room and went into his garden.

(Cullen residence)

It was driving him crazy not talking to his mate. It had been four weeks, fifteen hours, and three seconds since he met Harry. He wanted to know what was wrong with him to help. He wanted to know why he flinched when people touched him. He wanted to know why Harry was scared of people. He wanted to know everything about Harry. He decided to talk to Carlisle. So Jasper called him.

"Hello Jasper."

"Hello Carlisle. May I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Of course you may son." He was always happy to help one of his children.

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