Deciding to Heal

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





Harry woke up to someone caressing his hair. He opened his eyes to notice that he was on a familiar chest. He lifted his head and met beautiful gold eyes that belonged to his mate.

"Morning." Harry said sleepily.

"Morning." Jasper slurred in his southern accent.

"I sent a letter to my old school healer. I asked her if she could come here so that I could talk to her. She has training in mind healing and I think that it would be good if I talked to her about all this." He admitted.

"I think that talking to someone would help you heal. I am glad that you are seeking out help." Harry nodded before laying back down on Jasper's chest.

"When is the trial?" Harry asked.

"Noon today." Harry nodded and cuddled in more causing Jasper to smile.


Madam Poppy Pomfrey was helping Severus identify the love potion used on Arthur Weasley. Poppy was amused by the fact that Harry continued to surprise Severus. First he surprised him with making Severus deputy headmaster and then when he sent Severus rare potion ingredients that he had grown himself. The ingredients were top quality causing Severus to drop his mouth in shock. Finally Harry had suggested that Arthur write to Severus for help. It meant that Harry trusted Severus with the life of someone he cared about.

After he received the letter from Arthur, Severus had stared at the letter for a moment in shock. He turned to Poppy and gave her the letter and asked for help. She agreed and had sent a letter asking Arthur for a vile of blood.

After receiving the blood Poppy ran a potion identifying test. The problem with the test was that there wasn't one love potion in the blood, but seven different types. The test only gave what the ingredients of the potion were and not the potion names. That meant that they had to identify what ingredients went to different potions.

Poppy gave the test result to Severus and together they read through many potion books to solve their problem. They had managed to identify three of the seven potions in two days. It was on the third day that Poppy received a letter from Harry.

Dear Poppy,

I was wondering if you could come to Forks, Washington for a bit. You see I had received a letter that scared me and was beaten for being gay and in a relationship with a person that one of them liked. I know that you are trained in mind healing and wanted to see if you could help me. Please write back to me.


Harry Black

Poppy looked at the letter and sighed. That poor boy never gets a break. She grabbed some paper and replied back that she would go over there this weekend. She sent the letter and turned towards Severus who was busy trying to identify the other four love potions.

Poppy sighed yet again and she finally gained the attention of Severus. He saw the sad look on her face and stopped what he had been doing.

"Is something wrong, Poppy?" He asked.

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