Chamber of Secrets

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





(With Harry)

It had been decided that Sirius would go with Harry. The green eyed elf wasn't upset by it. He knew his parents were worried and considering his past it was more than understandable. Plus he loved that he had people that cared for him. It also helped that not many wanted to mess with Harry. Not only did he prove that he wasn't going to put up with being a victim anymore but the fact that his mate was a war seasoned vampire didn't help.

"Ready?" Sirius asked a few minutes before they were meant to leave.

"I am." Harry said.

"Me too." Jasper confirmed.

"Good." He nodded. [I just hope Harry's luck doesn't come into play.]

He wasn't sure his heart could handle his son being in danger. So far it was peaceful and Sirius wanted it to stay that way. He mentally shook his head clear of those thoughts as he grabbed the port-key. Harry and Jasper grabbed on.

"Courage." Sirius said and the three were whisked away.

They ended a couple feet away from Hogsmeade. They walked to the castle. Minerva and Severus met them at the gate. The feline animagus hugged Harry before hugging Sirius. Harry hugged Severus. He returned the hug stiffly. He was still not used to hugging the boy he used to hate.

"It's so good to see you both." Minerva said. "How are the twins?" She asked as she shook Jasper's hand.

"Perfect." Sirius and Harry answered at the same time.

"Of course they are." She laughed. [So good to see them both happy.]

"Just remember to send me a letter the day they turn eleven." Severus said.

"Why?" Sirius asked in confusion.

"So that I can retire." He answered bluntly.

"Of course." He said as they all laughed.

"I'm not joking. I have taught all seven children Arthur sired. The worst were his twins. I'm sure your twins will be worse than their uncles. The reason is that they are part Weasley, part Black, and part Lupin." He shivered as he thought about it. "Not to mention their older brother will have rubbed off on him."

"Hey!" Two people shouted in offense.

"He's not wrong." Minerva said to Sirius and Harry.

"I know but he didn't have to say it." Harry pouted.

"Yeah." His dad agreed.

"We should get going." Severus said before he turned and walked towards the castle.

"He's correct." Minerva said and soon they followed.

The five entered the castle and made their way to the third floor girls bathroom. To Harry's relief Myrtle wasn't there. It wasn't that he disliked her, it was that she made him feel uncomfortable.

"She moved on." Minerva said.

"What?" They looked at the witch in confusion.

"Myrtle. After you defeated Voldemort and Dumbledore was arrested she moved on. According to Nick she had justice for her murder and decided to go bug her former bully." She answered.

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