Waking Up in a Hospital Bed

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Twilight.





Carlisle was checking on Harry when he opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Harry asked before he caught sight of a white ceiling and groaned. "Never mind. I know where I am. A bloody hospital." Carlisle chuckled.

"Yes, Harry you are in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" Carlisle saw that Harry's eyes darkened.

"Yes, three of my classmates beat me up for being gay and dating Jasper." Harry whispered.

"Harry, what your classmates did was wrong and it most definitely was not your fault." Carlisle said in a stern voice so that Harry would understand that he meant every word he said.

Harry nodded and looked away. Carlisle smelled the tears and hugged Harry. Harry was surprised but hugged back.

"I am going to go get your family. I made them go get something to eat and I made my family go get change. They will be back soon." Carlisle left.

(Hospital Cafeteria)

Harry's family were forced to come down to the hospital cafeteria by Carlisle. They were not happy about leaving Harry, but knew that the doctor was right that they needed to eat. They were furious with Harry's classmates for what they did to him and they better hope that the police find them first.

Bill looked up to see Carlisle and motioned for the others to be quiet.

"Harry woke up. You may go back to his room." He informed them.

"Thank you Carlisle." Remus said. "Could you please tell Jasper and Rosalie for us? We know that they would like to know that Harry is awake." Carlisle nodded and Harry's family went up to Harry's room.

(Cullen residence)

Jasper quickly ran upstairs to his room to shower and change. Just as he finished putting on his shirt his cell rang. He answered it.


"Jasper, Harry woke up. Tell Rose too." Carlisle hung up.

"Rose, hurry up. Harry's awake." Jasper said.

Both he and Rose were out the door and in Rose's car at the same time. Rose drove as fast as she could to the hospital.

(With Sheriff Swan)

Charlie sat with one of the officers reviewing the taps. Thanks to Bella they had a recording of what was said after the crime happened and they had a video tape of it as well as the tape of the actual crime.

"Man, I can not believe anyone would do this to another person." Officer Andrews said.

"Me either, John, me either." He agreed.

They were both horrified by what they were watching. John turned off the tape as Charlie phoned the judge for arrest warrants.

"Thank god, for Dr. Cullen's daughter or else that poor boy would probably be dead." John said.

Charlie nodded and talked to the judge. The judge heard the recording and granted them arrest warrants for all three culprits. Charlie and John left along with officer Riley Weber.


Sirius was the first to enter Harry's room. When he saw Harry's emerald green eyes he ran over to his son and hugged him.

"Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry. We brought you here so that you wouldn't get hurt and yet here you are in a hospital bed. I'm so sorry, pup. I'm sorry I failed you." Sirius just kept apologizing.

Harry hugged his dad back. "It's okay daddy, it's okay." Sirius was shocked to be called daddy.

Remus and Bill also hugged Harry and they also apologized.

"Sorry cub."

"Sorry Harry."

"It is okay papa, father." They were shocked when they heard Harry call them that.

Fred and George were the next to be surprised. Harry looked over at them.

"Don't even dare apologize, big brothers." They were ecstatic to know that Harry thought of them as big brothers and immediately attacked Harry with hugs.

Arthur smiled at the scene. He already knew what Harry thought of them all. He saw the looks on Harry's face when he looked at them. He grew up in a big family. He knew that Harry just healed even more since he told them what he thought. He stood in the doorway a little longer before he too joined the others in hugging his grandson.

Soon after the family were done hugging, Jasper and Rosalie arrived at the doorway. Harry, who had already heard them, looked towards the doorway once his family detached themselves from his person. Harry smiled at Jasper and in a blink of an eye Harry was wrapped up in Jasper's arms.

Rosalie hugged Harry and Jasper since Jasper refused to let go of Harry. She also pecked Harry on the cheek.

"Thank you, Rosalie." Harry said softly as he cuddled further into Jasper.

"You're welcome Harry. You are my brother's mate and a really sweet person." Rose said as she sat down next to the twins.

Harry nodded and laid his head down on Jasper's chest and fell back to sleep knowing that he was safe and protected thanks to the people in the room. Everyone smiled at the peaceful look Harry gave off and Jasper rearranged them so that Harry was more comfortable.

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