Sophie's POV

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I picked up my imparter to see a text from Keefe.

Hey Foster

Hey Keefe what's up?

Oh nothing... just bored

Is that so?


Ok bye Keefe

Wait Foster wanna hang out?

Right now?


Umm well i'm kinda supposed to be doing my homework

Are your parents home?

No why?

Sorry let me be more specific... is Grady home?

No... why?

Ok you can do your homework later then. I'm coming over

Ugh Keefe seriously?

Already left!

Uh whatever I thought. Five minutes later the doorbell rang. I walked downstairs and opened the door to find Keefe leaning against the doorway. My stomach did its stupid flutter flip.

"Hi Keefe," I said.

"Morning Foster" Keefe said, giving me one of his signature smirks. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I was never really annoyed with him. I could just act like it over text because he wasn't in the room to read my real emotions. I mean I couldn't let him know what I really felt towards him. If he didn't feel the same way and he found out, it'd be so embarrassing and he wouldn't even want to ever see me again and...

"Woah, Foster, that's a lot of emotions you're throwing at me. I feel some worry, a little bit of fear, some doubt..." love? Keefe thought. He shook his head telling himself not to get his hopes up. "Hey, Sophie" I noticed the use of my real name. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. That's the real reason I wanted to come over." So that's why he was asking if my parents were home. I thought.

"Ok Keefe what's up?"

hey guys! so this is my first time writing a fanfiction. i was really excited to start this bc i have shipped sokeefe since book 1. so yeah i'd love to read your comments on what y'all think about my first fanfic. also i'm not the best writer so if there are mistakes pls bear w me and ENJOY! LOVE Y'ALL!! <3 :3

<3 Silveny118

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