Keefe POV

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Me and the boys were in the other room when we heard a thud. I ran out to see what it was, the other three close behind me. I got to the staircase to find Foster on the floor. Oh Biana. When will you learn Foster can't survive walking. Let alone in heels. I asked if she was ok and helped her up. She said she was fine and started laughing. When she was fully standing, I think my jaw dropped when I noticed what she was wearing. She was wearing this beautiful ice blue dress. The whole top had little rhinestones on it and they trickled down to the bottom and fanned out. Part of her hair was done up in a braid and the rest was down and flowing. She had a pretty gemmed clip in the back of the braid. Her normal gloves were replaced with soft white gloves. She looked gorgeous. And I made the point to tell her so.

"Wow, Foster. Who'd you get all dressed up for? They must be super lucky cause you kinda just made me stop breathing. I like the color choice by the way." I said winking. And the blush came back. "And I win 'Make Foster Blush' as usual." I laughed.

Foster laughed. "Thanks, Keefe. Who said I got dressed up for anyone though? This is just my favorite color." She stated matter-of-factly, her emotions giving away her coverup. Luckily I was the only empath there. "And don't stop breathing, ok? We kinda all want you alive." She laughed. I loved it when she laughed. I didn't like how Fitz was looking at her though, which reminded me of the plan. We got into the other room and sat down to play truth or dare.

"Hey, guys. I'm gonna pass on this first round." I said which earned a groan from Biana. "I'm going to ask Della to make some Cinnacreme. How bout this, Biana? When I get back you can do me twice. Deal?" Biana agreed and I left the room, making eye contact with Tam in the process. I walked past him and he subtly handed me the Brown Eye Solidari-Tea. I put it in my pocket and made for the kitchen. I found Della already in the kitchen making Cinnacreme.

"Wow, Della, you read my mind. I was just going to come ask you to make us some. I can carry that out for you." I took the tray of drinks from her and grabbed a marker from the drawer.

"Thank you, Keefe. Always so helpful." Della walked over to me and gave me a hug. She kissed me on the head and left the room. I love Della. She's the best. She's closer to being my mother than my real mother ever was.

I took the marker and wrote everyone's names on each of their cups. I took the elixir from my pocket and poured three drops into Fitz's cup. Just enough to make him pay. Luckily it didn't change the color of the drink, which was the one concern me and Tam had with the whole plan. Once I was done, I brought the drinks out and passed them to everyone. Everyone loves Cinnacreme so the drinks were immediately chugged. Me and Tam made eye contact and it took all of my freewill not to laugh.

"Ok, Keefe, truth or dare?" 

oh keefe

always such a charmer <3

anyway hope y'all r still enjoying 

i mean u must be if uve kept reading to this point haha

tysm for the support and 145 reads!!

love y'all and stay fabulous :3

<3 Silveny118

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