Keefe POV

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You're in Exile, Keefe

I gasped and clutched at my chest, Sophie's last sentence ringing in my head.

You're in Exile Keefe

You're in Exile

In Exile




Keefe? Are you alright? You haven't said anything in the past five minutes.

There's the worried Foster. I can picture her beautiful brown eyes all wide with concern and her brow all scrunched up in cute concentration like always. I just wish it wasn't always me causing her to be like that.

I'm fine. I'll be fine. As long as you're safe I'm fine. But what about you? How are you doing?

The longer you're not here, safe, with me, I won't be fine. That's why I got the group together and now that I know where you are, we're coming to get you back as soon as possible. I won't let anything happen to you Keefe. not only because I'm the moonlark and it's my job but because I love you more than anything and I'd do anything to keep you safe.

I know you would. I just hope...

I stopped mid sentence hearing footsteps down the hall. I sent her one last transmission before it was too late.

I love you.

I cut off my connection with Sophie, not waiting for her response. I faced the door mustering as much courage as possible. the latch at the bottom of the door opened and my dinner slid in. or was it lunch? I couldn't remember at this point. I waited until the guard left to get up and stuff my face with the disgusting food. I wouldn't let them see me eat ravenously or hear my stomach growl. I wouldn't give them that satisfaction of victory. I had to stay strong. For Sophie.

way to stay strong keefe. don't worry, beast, your beauty is coming to rescue you from gaston. you shall be prince charming once again soon! 

<3 Silveny118

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