Sophie POV

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Keefe? Please answer! I love you too.

I started crying again. Why did he cut the connection? Is he ok? Why did he sound scared? I need to get him out of there no doubt about it. keefe doesn't deserve to be in exile. His mother does. And how did she get him there anyway? It's supposed to be run by the council. They must have a traitor.

*knock* *knock*

My thoughts were interrupted by the person at the door.

"Sophie? Are you ok? We've been looking for you for the past half hour!" Biana sounded really concerned but looked happy to see her best friend alright.

"Yeah, Biana I'm fine. I'm actually doing a lot better. I have some great news. Let's go downstairs with everyone so I only have to say this all once."

We headed downstairs to meet back up with the group and I explained everything. We talked strategy and eventually came up with a plan. Tam would put shadow bonds on all the guards, Lihn would be there to help if anyone put up a big fight, Biana would stick with me and Dex and turn the three of us invisible and we would go to Keefe, Fitz would transmit to everyone and back to me and keep everyone in the loop, while also helping Tam and Lihn. Once Biana, Dex, and I got to Keefe, Dex would be his technopath self and open the cell door and he and Biana would stand invisible guard outside the cell. Then once Tam, Lihn, and Fitz take care of the guards, and Gisela if she's there, we would be able to basically walk right out. So we headed out since we knew where the Gateway to Exile was. I decided to transmit to Keefe one last time before we left.

Don't worry Keefe. We're coming. And I won't stop coming until we get you back.

 I TOLD YOU SHE WAS COMING!! SHE WUV YOUUUUU!!! hang in there chickies!! <3 I love y'all

stay awesome. stay beautiful. stay you! <3

<3 Silveny118

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