Sophie POV

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-----------------------------------------Flashback Cont.----------------------------------

I arrived at Keefe's planting in my ice blue dress. I saw that they had already done the ceremony which I may or may not had purposely missed. People had already left and it was crazy how many were still there. It looked like the whole population of the Lost Cities was there. I walked up to the tree and immediately started crying. It looked just like him. The bark was crooked like his signature smirk and the tree had blonde messy leaves. The tree also already had ice blue flowers blooming on it. It was beautiful. And I would never see--- No I'll see Keefe again. I have to.

I still hadn't told anyone I knew how Keefe went missing and the guilt was eating me alive. I couldn't let my mind break. I couldn't forget him. That's when I called Biana. 

"Hey, B. I need your help." Sophie said.

"Ok, is everything ok?" I asked, concerned. By the look on her face, everything was definitely not ok. "What's wrong, Soph? Your forehead is creased so much it would take Keefe an hour to unscrunch it." I noticed at my mention of Keefe's name her face faltered for a second before she caught herself. "It has to do with Keefe doesn't it?" I asked, tentatively. I immediately regretted asking this because she broke down in tears.

"He's going to hate me, Biana! Keefe is gonna hate me! I betrayed him, Biana! I need to get him back! He's never gonna talk to me ever again! He's gonna break up with me, hate me, and I'm gonna lose one of my best friends!" She started crying again and I knew she needed me.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. I'm gonna come over and you can tell me whatever you need to tell me, ok?" I asked already packing a bag with tissues and a fuzzy blanket.

She sniffled on her end. "Ok. I'll see you here." She said and hung up.

"Thanks for coming over, B. I could really use someone to talk to right now." I wiped my tears from my eyes and led her upstairs. We went to my bedroom and found Edaline in there.

"Hey, girls. Sophie, I was just looking for you. You just got a call on your imparter." Edaline said, handing me the tine glass square.

"Really? From who?" I asked curiously.

"I think you should see for yourself." Edaline left the room as the imparter started ringing again. I was shocked by the name that lit up the screen.

Keefe Sencen.

"But... how?" I looked from Biana to the imparter and back.

"I don't know. Maybe you should answer it?" Biana suggested, taking a seat on my bed.

I sat down next to her and hesitated before taking the call.

"Sophie Foster. I shouldn't have been surprised you would answer thinking my son was calling." The cold voice of none other than Lord Cassius echoed throughout the room.

"Lord Cassius. I forgot the world revolves around you. My apologies! Silly me." I said with a menacing stare. Biana was on the floor laughing at my disrespect. I knew I shouldn't be acting like this but I wasn't dealing with his garbage today.

"Miss Foster. I suggest you stop taking pages out of my son's book and learn some respect. Like he should've long ago."

"Maybe he would respect you if you showed some respect for him in return." I said looking him straight in the eye.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not getting into an argument with a 15 year old. I'm calling about my son. Have you seen him recently?"

"I have to go," I said quickly.

"Miss Fos--" I hung up before he could say anything else.

"Soph? Where's Keefe?" Biana asked quietly.

I started crying again.

After I stopped crying... ish... I told Biana everything that happened.

"Sophie. Keefe would understand. He knows how much you love Grady and Edaline." Biana said soothingly.

I started to calm down some more when I heard shuffling outside my bedroom door.

"Did you hear that?" I turned to Biana who shook her head yes.

"It's probably just Edaline."




"Come in." I looked down playing with my hair. When I looked up Biana's eyes were wide. Before I even turned around I knew who was there by the sound of their voice.

"Hey, Foster."


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