Sophie POV

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We stepped through the light on the other side to see the beautiful Eiffel Tower in front of us.

"Keefe! You brought us to PARIS?!" I squealed.

"So I'm guessing that means you want to stay?" Keefe said smirking.

"OF COURSE I WANT TO STAY! No one in their right mind wouldn't want to stay. How late do we have till?" I asked, trying not to think about how angry Grady would be if I stayed in the Forbidden Cities for the night.

"I actually talked to Edaline and she knew you needed cheering up sooooo... she said we could stay here for the weekend since she knew you've always wanted to come here." Keefe said happily. I didn't need to be an Empath to know how happy he was that I was happy.

"Oh Keefe! You're the best boyfriend ever!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and and wrapped his around my waist and spun me. When he put me down he touched his forehead to mine.

"I love you Sophie." He whispered.

"I love you Keefe."  I whispered back. He pulled me in gently and our lips met.

When Keefe broke away he started rambling on about all the amazing things we could do.

"We can go to Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, some bakeries, anything you want! So what do you want to do first?" Keefe asked, excitedly.

"How about some dinner?" I suggested.

"Sure! I heard about this great place down the road from here! Let's go!"

"Keefe how did you hear about something? You don't know French!" I laughed.

"Did you forget I'm a newly manifested Polyglot?" Keefe asked, perfectly mimicking my voice. 

I laughed again. "Oh yeah I guess I did."

"Alright now let's go!" Keefe grabbed my hand and practically dragged me down the different streets. We finally reached the place he was talking about called Septime. We went inside and got seated almost immediately.

We talked for a while, ate, and left to go see some scenery. We were right in front of the Eiffel Tower when we stopped to sit on the ledge of one of the many fountains. 

"So. How is it so far? Everything you hoped for?" Keefe asked.

"It's been amazing! And it's been even better than I hoped for because I got to do it with you." I smiled at him and put my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and put his head on mine. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment. When I opened them, I noticed a girl, presumably close to our age, staring at us. She got up from where she was sitting and made her way over to us. 

"Keefe? Is that really you?" She asked.

Keefe looked at her confused. "I'm sorry do I know you?" He asked.

She just laughed. "C'mon Keefe! Don't play dumb. Sorry do you want me to reintroduce myself to you? Hi! I'm Kylie! You already know me but you're being dumb and making me look dumb." She laughed again and put her hand out to shake Keefe's. When he didn't shake her hand she put it down. She looked at him, her eyes full of sadness. "Keefe? Do you really not remember your own twin sister?"


and that's it

we have finally reached the end of worth everything

ik i've said that so many time and yall r prob like


well i hate to disapoint but this is the actual end


i have not found a title for it yet sooooo

im going to hav a contest

if you want to put in some suggestions i will look at them and use one for the sequel

whoever's i choose will get a BIGGGGGGGGGGG shout out in the a/n of the next book!

anywayss this has been so much fun to write and i hope yall enjoyed it as much as i did!

i love yall so much!!




<3 Silveny118

p.s. if i dont update the (unnamed haha) sequel next week its cuz im stressed abt finals haha.... anyways some prayer would be great! wish me luck! :) <3

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