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I knew he'd get distracted by Sophie. While they were kissing, I noticed the elixir had kicked in. I started coughing to bring Keefe back to reality. I coughed so many times the others probably thought I was getting sick or something. Keefe eventually came up for air and noticed me coughing at him. He casually looked around the room and stopped when his eyes met Fitz's. Keefe widened his eyes and put his hand over his mouth.

"What? What is it, Keefe?" Fitz asked, getting concerned why his best friend was looking at him appalled. Keefe just shook his head with the same appalled face, causing Fitz to cover his face with his hands and run upstairs. Unfortunately for him, with his eyes covered, it sounded like he tripped up some of the stairs when he was running. We all started laughing about the dare when we heard a scream.

"Biana, do you have a little sister? Or was that Fitz?" Keefe asked laughing. We heard Fitz run down the stairs. He ran back into the room out of breath.

"Fitz? What's wrong?" Lihn asked innocently. We couldn't tell her the plan because she would think it was mean and would forbid me to go through with it. I always listened to her, so I think the rest is self-explanatory.

Fitz opened his eyes and everyone gasped. Sophie's face turned crimson red. Immediately she must've realized it was a prank by Keefe because a laugh slipped out and she grabbed Keefe's hand. We all noticed his eyes were no longer their normal teal color. They were now brown. 


that plan tho mhmhmhmhmh

good job Team Ice and Shadow (i got that from another fanfic by tapqueen101)

if u havent read her stories its a multipart sokeefe fanfic and they are AMAZING so u should read them :3

stay fabulous my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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