Keefe POV

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ok guys 

i figured id tell y'all that everything keefe "says" in this chapter will actually be in his head.

bc... ya know... he's unconscious

eventually ltr on in the chapter he will wake up and... well you'll see

anyway everything italicized and underlined is in keefe's head and anything italicized by itself is the usual transmitting :3

Enjoy <3

<3 Silveny118

Ugh... what's going on?

Why was Foster crying?

Why am I unconscious?

So many thoughts streamed through my head as I layed there assumably still in my bed. I tried to shove them far away because it was frustrating that I had more questions than answers. One question kept resurfacing in my mind. 

Why was Foster crying?

I didn't care what was going on with me. I just wanted to know what was wrong with her. Just as I was thinking about her, her sweet voice filled my mind. 

I'm sorry Keefe. Please don't hate me for this. I need Grady and Edaline back.

She sounded so... torn. Almost as if whatever she was doing, she wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. Whatever it was it couldn't be that bad. I mean how could I ever hate her? When will she learn that I'll love her for the rest of my life. And what did she mean she needs Grady and Edaline back? Aren't they back at Havenfield? Something's up... I'm just not sure what yet. 

Even through my subconsciousness, I could feel the warmth of a bright light on my face and a hand holding mine. 

It must be Foster's hand

I had no explanation for the heat though. 

Eventually I no longer felt the heat or the comfort of the bed under me. It almost felt like I was... outside. But that was impossible. 


No. She never would've light leaped me while I was unconscious. It's too dangerous. I could've faded.

But that would explain the bright light and the heat. And the fact that a hand was holding yours.

 No. Foster was just holding my hand because she wanted to. And -- and she must've opened a window or something. She wouldn't be that reckless. She's not like that. 

I felt something on my face. Mist. Why was there mist on my face? I'm in my bedroom... right?

My bedroom floor doesn't feel like solid ground. It has a carpet. And by the smell, I'm near a body of water. 

But why would I be near a body of water? And what body of water smells like...


I'm in Ravagog.


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