Sophie POV

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I watched as Keefe talked over his imparter. I couldn't tell who he was talking to because they were talking too quietly. It looked like Keefe was telling a story though. It was funny to watch him talk while moving his arms back and forth. When he finally hung up, Elwin had come out of his office.

"Alright you two. Sophie, you know Keefe needs his rest so I think you two should get some sleep," Elwin said fatherly.

Keefe rolled his eyes and whined, "but I'm not ti-" a big yawn escaped from his mouth and he quickly raised his hand to cover it. Elwin had heard enough though. He stood there until Keefe got onto his cot, and I got onto mine, and he shut off the lights and left the room.

I tried to fall asleep but couldn't find it. When I did, it was terrible. I had nightmare after nightmare of Keefe's mind breaking and me not being able to bring him back. It was so scary. I must've started showing it in my subconscious because I felt the blue breeze from Keefe and I immediately felt better. I was so glad to have Keefe. He always knew how to make me feel better. And he was all I needed.

they LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE each otherrrrr <3

gotta love the sokeefe fluff *cheekysmile*

love y'all stay awesome my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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