Keefe POV

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"Miss me, Foster?" I asked, standing in her doorway. 

She got up from where she was sitting with Biana and slowly walked over to me.

"Keefe? Is that really you?" She asked uncertainly. I shook my head up and down until she was sure. She had tears forming in her eyes when she closed the distance between us and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped her in a hug and she cried into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Keefe. I don't deserve you. You don't deserve me betraying you. You don't deserve anything I did to you!" She continued to cry into my shirt. 

"Hey, I've betrayed you enough times. It was only a matter of time before you took a turn," I said forcing a laugh, trying to make her feel better.

"Keefe! This isn't funny! Something really bad could've happened to you!"

"Yeah, and all the times I betrayed you something really bad could've happened to you. So now we're even," I said with a smirk. I noticed the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth while she tried to keep a straight face. 

" I'm so sorry, Keefe." I reached up and brushed a tear off her cheek and smiled at her.

"It's ok. I promise, ok?" She smiled back at me for the first time since I had gotten there.

"So you don't hate me?" She asked.

"Sophie. I could never hate you." 

aww isn't that the sweetest thing

finally keefe tells sophie what shes been telling him foreverrrrr

i love SOKEEFE

anyone else? lmk





<3 Silveny118

Ps: so sry for the late post/long wait since last chapter

ive been rly busy w school and piano

any of u play an instrument? lmk :3

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