Sophie POV

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I rode Silveny through the day visiting every place I thought they could've taken Keefe. But it was no use. I didn't find him anywhere I looked. That's when I decided I needed help. I couldn't do this alone. After I rode Silveny home and said goodbye I took out my imparter and texted the group. They all replied immediately and decided to meet at Everglen. I headed to the leapmaster and shouted "Everglen!" When I got there Dex, Biana, and Fitz were waiting for me.

"Where are Lihn and Tam?" I asked them looking around.

"They're on their way now." Biana said, running up to give me a hug, Dex and Fitz right behind her. While we waited for the twins I caught them up on everything that had happened. A few minutes later Tam and Lihn stepped through the light. We said hello and Fitz tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey Soph? Can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked, not meeting my eye.

"Umm yeah sure. Your room?" I asked tentatively. He nodded and I followed him inside. We reached his room quickly. He sat down on his bed but I stayed standing not wanting to stay longer than necessary.

"Look Sophie I... I know we broke up and everything but... I've been thinking... What if we gave us another try?" Fitz asked nervously.

"Fitz, I'm sorry. I can't be with you again. I think you and I both know we're better as just friends. amazing friends who are amazing cognates I might add. Look I'm sorry but I need you to be ok with that response for now because we need to get back to figuring out how to save Keefe. I'll do whatever it takes to save him. I... I have to do whatever it takes. I need Keefe and he needs me. We need to act fast."

"Ok let's go." Fitz said, exiting the room head down. I rolled my eyes and followed him out.

UGH FITZ IS A JERK!! sry all y'all sofitz shippers but it ain't happeninggg

i still love u even if u r a sofitz shipper but (sokeefe is superior) *cheekysmile*

<3 Silveny118

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