Sophie POV

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Lady Gisela threw me a leaping crystal from her place by the trees. Her agents drug Grady and Edaline over to me and ran back over to her. I placed my hand on the two of them and held the crystal up to the light. The light whisked us away and returned us to Havenfield. Only then did I call Elwin. When we were completely out of danger. 

"Elwin. I need you to come to Havenfield as soon as possible. It's Grady and Edaline. The Neverseen took them and I just got them back."

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's nothing I can't fix. I'll be right there." Elwin tried to act calm over imparter but I knew he was rushing to get to us. He got there in a matter of minutes and immediately started checking Grady and Edaline. 

"Are they ok?" I asked, concerned. I looked over Elwin's shoulder every time he would check them.

"Yes, Sophie. I just gave them both a bottle of youth and some slumber berry tea. They should wake up tomorrow morning with no pain." I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "Every hour or so, give them each another bottle of youth. That'll restore their strength to the fullest."

"Thanks so much Elwin. You're the best," I walked up to him as he was leaving and gave him a hug. Elwin really was the best. He was always there whenever anyone needed him. Now it's my turn to do that for Keefe.

I picked up my imparted and called Biana. She picked up.

"Hey, Soph! What's up?"

"Hey, B. I need your help."

and that's it for this chapter y'all.

not too bad in length right?



heh... mk lol

this and the last chapter were kinda essential sooooo HOPE YOU ENJOYED THEM!!

also comment below whether i should continue this story as one or continue as a sequel. it'll be rly helpful :)

stay patient my lovelies :3

<3 Silveny118

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