Sophie POV

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I don't know how long we sat there. Eventually, Elwin came out of his office and gave Keefe a checkup. Elwin looked at my physical state and decided I should go home and get some rest. I told him I would go home and clean up and change but I was coming back later to stay with Keefe. He agreed and so did Keefe. So I headed home. When I got there, Grady and Edaline were sitting at the kitchen table eating mallowmelt.

"Sophie! Where have you been?" Grady asked, concerned. He stood from the table and walked over to hug me.

"Dad, I'm fine. I was just at Elwin's," I replied returning his hug.

"And why were you at Elwin's?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The Neverseen kidnapped Keefe and broke his mind and me and the group saved him and took him to Elwin's and I healed his mind," I said in one really long breath.

"Woah, slow down, kiddo. Is Keefe alright now?" Grady asked.

"Yeah, he's fine. Speaking of, I kind of have something to tell you guys." I said looking at the floor nervously.

"What is it sweetie?" Edaline asked.

"Keefe asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes," I looked up to see Edaline smiling and Grady laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Did you think we'd be mad? We've known Keefe liked you forever now. He asked me ages ago if he could ask you to be his girlfriend but I guess he was too nervous to ask until now." Grady laughed and once I realized what he was saying, I joined in.

"Thanks for understanding. Well I'm gonna go clean up. I told Elwin I was coming back." I kissed them both on the cheek and headed upstairs taking them by twos. I got a shower and put my favorite ice blue tunic on. I pinned my hair back out of my face and headed downstairs. I kissed Grady and Edaline goodbye, took some mallowmelt for me and Keefe, and headed to Elwin's. 


another short chapter

sry guys sometimes the best things r just said in as few words as possible...

thats a very inspirational quote isnt it?



haha im jk i just made it up lol

ANYWAY 60 READS GUYS!?!?! on my first night... y'all r srsly amazing!! i love y'all

keefe loves y'all too

keep positive my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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