Sophie POV

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"Did any of you guys know about this?" I looked around at the remainder of my friends. 

"I knew about Fitz kissing you but I didn't know about the prank." Biana said, still laughing.

"Well you know I didn't know. I would've told Tam not to do it." Lihn said, stifling her own chuckle.

"Notice how you're laughing though?" Tam was laying on his back as a result of laughing at the prank's outcome.

"The elixir came from my store. Of course I knew." Dex smirked and pulled a bottle out of his bag. "If Keefe poured the whole bottle in the drink I have the antidote right here." He held the bottle by the top and shook it from side to side. We all turned to the sound of oncoming footsteps, knowing that meant the boys were coming back down.

"Hey, guys. You like my new look?" Keefe said blinking until everyone realized he used some of the Brown Eye Solidari-Tea. We all laughed and they sat down.

"Keefe what did you do? You think I wore this dress for nothing?" I said laughing. Keefe got up and pulled me to the mirror. Now standing side by side we looked at each other. It was funny how alike we looked with his eyes now the same brown with gold flecks as mine. We went back and sat down with our friends.

"You want the antidote for that, Keefe?" Dex asked, once again holding up the bottle.

"No way! You think I chugged a whole bottle of this stuff for no reason? I'd kill to have brown eyes like this." Keefe said, covering his eyes, as if it would prevent them from turning back to normal. Everyone laughed as we went back to playing truth or dare.

"Ok kids! Time for bed!" Della yelled from downstairs. "Did you forget you still have school tomorrow?" Everyone groaned and climbed into their sleeping bags.

I tried to find sleep but I laid there in my sleeping bag for what felt like hours. After a while I had to get up. I grabbed a blanket and walked as quietly as possible to the front door. I opened it, having gotten there without tripping, and headed outside for a walk. I figured the cool night air would calm me and eventually help me sleep. I sat down against one of the trees' trunks and wrapped the blanket around me. I looked up and enjoyed the beauty of the night sky.

well... everyone else thought it was funny lol

good job team ice and shadow :3 (i love that name great job coming up w it tapqueen101)

anywayssss i love y'all so much tysm for being patient w me the new writer haha

stay fabulous my lovelies :3

<3 Silveny118

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